Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update

  1. It’s August 25th and I am totally sitting here watching White Christmas.  I make no apologies.  My excuse–not that I need one–is that I’m writing about White Christmas in my current WIP and I wanted to refresh my memory (not that I REALLY need a refresher—I can damn near quote every word of the movie).
  2. I’m trucking right along on Be Careful.  7161 words in the last week.  It’s going to end up being some longer than the original 25k I planned (I know, we’re all shocked).  The characters have really come to life, and so as the town (which I intend to use in a series), so that’s necessitated some expansions.  I’m really excited about it.  The whole thing makes me grin like an idiot.  So I am adding a goal for myself to finish the first draft by the end of Round 3.
  3. It’s been a super productive week at the Evil Day Job.  I’m aaaaaaalmost finished with my new class.  Just 2 more assignments left to write and 2 more lecture videos to edit.  Well one of them needs to be re-recorded.   Somehow I got way off on where I was in what I was saying vs. what slide I was on.  I CAN fix it in editing, but it would actually take less time to re-record it.
  4. I’ve got a date with my girlfriend this afternoon to go see City of Bones.   Now I love the crap out of these books.  I’ve let myself get SUPER excited about the movie.  Been listening to the score by Alti Orvarsson all week.  I just hope hope hope that they don’t screw it up.
  5. Off to go finish chores.  Today’s workout is more yard work.  Woo!  Not really…  But people driving past our house are totally hearing “Welcome To the Jungle” as a soundtrack.

4 thoughts on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update

  1. I was listening to Christmas CDs in June and July while trying to finish my Christmas novella. And my parents’ yard looked like “the jungle” a couple of months ago–wish they could go back home so they could take care of it instead of me having to call someone.

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