Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update

  1. I can’t believe this round is nearly over.  Seems like it’s gone by SO FAST.
  2. I achieved one of my biggest goals for the round this week.   I finished the last revisions and released Riven into the wild.  It’s been a very long time since I had a release in my Mirus series, and I was really happy to come back to this world with a brand new set of characters.  So now I’m suffering from a case of Refreshitis and waiting to see what kind of reception it gets.  With, you know, terror.  Probably I should assign one of my friends to be an official review screener (nothing to screen just yet).
  3. I’ve spent the last few days digging out around the house.  Finally caught up on laundry–both getting it done and getting this week’s (and past) put AWAY.  Hubby got the house good and vacuumed.  I cleaned out the fridge and freezer, did all the dishes, cleaned the counters.  I attacked the bathroom (we aren’t going to talk about it–survival was a near thing).
  4. Today the name of the game is food.  I want to do some more batch cooking and prep of freezer meals  for the month.  There’s a lot of stuff I need to use up, so it’s time to put on my thinking cap for the best way to do that.  I’ll have to make a trip to Kroger at some point today for a handful of ingredients I’m out of.  And I might stop by Lowes to pick up some fall flowers for my front planters.
  5. Also, since I’m starting a new book project (well, divesting one and fully focusing on the other one I was already working on), it’s time to change up my workout.  So I need to spend some time today entering the next Beautiful Badass routine into the tracker on my phone so that it’s all ready to go and I don’t have to spend time at 6 AM looking for the right exercises.
  6. Yesterday I officially hit “regular” status at my favorite coffeeshop for Saturday mornings.  It’s another one of those small details that makes me stupid happy.  The whole coffeeshop thing is a small thing but, y’all, it’s been SO FLIPPING GOOD FOR ME.  It’s the first thing I’ve done in terms of making time for myself and just TAKING IT, CONSISTENTLY in…frankly, years.  For a few hours a week I go and get to play with what I want to play with, have superb tea and lemon poppyseed bread (although the last 2 weeks it’s been superb biscuits), without the specter of Evil Day Job work or housework or whatever project or other hanging over my head.  Nobody’s trying to talk to me or ask me anything or WANTS anything from me.  I actually look forward to WAKING UP on Saturday morning.  Yesterday, I left my house at the same time I do for my ACTUAL job.  Y’all know how much I value my sleep, so you understand that this is a Thing.
  7. A cold front finally came through on Friday night and saved us from the September doing its best impression of July and 95 degree days.  It feels flipping AMAZING outside.  Low humidity.  Temps in the 70s.  On our walk with the pups last night, Daisy almost DOUBLED how far she went because she was so happy about the weather.  I’m thinking dinner alfresco tonight.

2 thoughts on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update

  1. I attacked my house this weekend also, but those damn laundry trolls keep adding stuff to the basket. I turn my back on an empty one, and when I turn back, they have added stuff to it. One of these days I will catch them, maybe ship them to some of my enemies. Next project, stripping and re-waxing the floors.
    Great job on the release! Sending good vibes to you on it making #1.

  2. I can’t wait to read Riven. 🙂

    We had that same cold front come through. We had highs in the seventies yesterday, which was good since it was hubby’s company picnic. We’re thinking of sitting outside and using our fire pit tonight.

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