Still Alive

I have been a lousy example this Round of ROW80.  Missing check-ins left and right.  Barely blogging at all.  I promise I’m still alive.

In the ten days since my last check-in, I’ve finished outlining Sooper Seekrit Project Book 2 and written the opening scene of that.  Then yesterday, a different bunny reared up and started thumping me in the head.  I had to at least get the outline done to get the story out of my head.  It’s a short novella in my Wishful world–the answer to Gerald Peyton’s mystery woman, for those of you wondering.  And BOY is he a cautionary tale, let me tell you.  Don’t EVER name a character something you don’t like because you never ever know who will turn out to be Somebody.  Gerald.  Geez.  Not that it’s a bad name.  I’m sure there are plenty of nice men named Gerald.  But it’s hard to get excited about a hero named Gerald.  Conveniently, he’s Gerald Peyton, III, so we’re just gonna go with the nickname Trey.  Anyway, this second chance romance is one I’ve been excited about since I realized who it was he loved and lost.  It’s just been waiting for Cam and Norah’s wedding…  OH yeah, that’s gonna happen.  Of course, Trey was the one talking when I sat down at my keyboard for my 5:30 writing session this morning.  So…maybe I’ll be knocking this out before I dive into SSPB2.

Just For This Moment is with my editor at the moment, so this novella is actually a pretty good short project to work on while she’s got it.  Then I won’t be fully in a different world when revisions come back.  It’s on my To Do List to get the blurb written and pre-order pages up.  Among wanting to overhaul my website.  Finish the marketing course I’ve signed up for.  Doing some spring cleaning of my house.  Tackling some serious yard work.  Anybody got a lead on that cloning technology or a Time Turner?

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After successfully finishing up Whole 30 at the beginning of the month, the last 3 weeks have been a slide back into old behaviors.  Not a horrible one.  At least not until the last three days.  There were three days of birthday eating.  This involved a kick ass REAL cheeseburger (the Hogwild, in case you were wondering) and onion rings (I totally took a pre-emptive Benedryl), calzones and fudge pie, and chicken strips and waffle fries.  Um.  My body is saying many many very bad things right now.  So I’m just gonna be over here working on a reset.  I’ve got the kit for 21 Day Fix, so I’ll spend the rest of the week adapting that to Paleo and start it next week.  My portion control needs work.  I also need to revise my workout again.  I’m bored already with what I’ve been doing since January, so it’s definitely time to change it up.

I’ve been doing some reading, too.  I picked up a 6 month subscription to Kindle Unlimited on sale, so I’m trying that out.  I listened to Tara Sivec’s Shame On You, which had me snort laughing almost the entire book (warning: Not the book for people who take issue with swearing).  It’s in present tense, which is usually a whole lotta NOPE in audio for me, but Sivec is actually really good with present tense and the narrator is fantastic.  I’ve also tested out Perfect on Paper: The (MIS)Adventures of Waverly Bryson by Maria Murnane, and Catherine Bybee’s Not Quite Dating (still working on those).  For me, KU is all about whatever I can LISTEN to as part of the subscription.  I’ve got SCADS of books for my Kindle.  But at the sale price, my subscription works out to like $7 a month, so it’s half the price of an Audible subscription.  When I’m in the middle of writing, most of the reading I manage is done while doing other stuff.  YAY audiobooks!  And now it’s back to work…

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