Daily Progress Report

HOC: 1144

Daily Goal: Met

Weekly Total: 8708

Weekly Goal: Met

Overage: 1708

As I promised my hubby I would limit my computer time on our upcoming vacation to Colorado, I’m trying to build up 7,000 extra words so that if I don’t get a word written that week, I’ll still be on target for the Sweat. We leave the 5th, so I think I can probably manage it. And my husband did say that if we weren’t doing anything else, he didn’t mind if I wrote some while we were there (which is good because I probably would have done it anyway–it’s like crack…). I made it through the end of the Sunday dinner scene and the announcement that the next body was found. I haven’t worked out the details yet of that and how much of the investigation I’m going to get into before I get back to the lasagna scene. I read through the stuff that’s coming after this and there is a lot I’m going to have to change and rewrite. Not only filling in gaps and adding info about the investigation (which is now in a different stage than it was before I inserted these days), but also changing the tone of some of what comes after. This new material I’ve added kind of changes the dynamic between Collin and Kensie and I need to follow through with that. That being said, I’m really pleased with what I’ve done this week. I’ve started giving her a place in Lawley…showing what she left behind–the relationships and her place in these people’s lives. Time for bed.

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