Sunday Summary

  1. This should be the headline: I FINALLY WROTE SOMETHING!  After spending ALL YESTERDAY procrastinating (I’m a master at productive procrastination, and I got a lot of stuff done around the house that still needed doing), right before bed, I squeezed out 503 words.  Other than the 500 or so words I wrote earlier in the week, this is all I got written.  Bleh.  But part of what I was doing in between was plotting, because I changed my short story idea for this anthology AGAIN.  I’m on story number three.  That’s right.  I realized that the second one, while having some of the elements I wanted/needed, really did not show off the thing I excel at: ass kicking and action.  So I went back to the drawing board and came up with a story about Emily Coulter, little sister of one of my Shadow Walkers, Rab.  I did a character sketch about him a while back, that she featured in.  So I decided to revisit them.  After finally getting rolling, my brain is already working out how to make the scene better than my original conception. So, I think this is a sign that maybe my streak of page fright is broken.
  2. This week is going to be me continuing to try to get back to routine.  Well, not tomorrow.  I’ve got to be up at 4:30 in the morning to be in the northern part of the state by 8:30 for work, which is going to be one of the suckier Mondays I’ve ever had (we all know I don’t do getting up early).  But I’m getting back to real cooking this week and I’ll see about adding weights back into the mix.  I’m really eager to return to G.I.T. style living.  I’ve got three weeks until July when I’m going to make myself brave the scale.  I’d like to undo whatever damage I’ve done in the last three.
  3. On my list for today is to take the wheel assembly off of hubby’s old wagon (the one his parents got him when he was 1–he’s about to be 33) and put a fresh coat of paint on.  It’s still sort of damp out, but we have a garage WITH A DOOR, so I’ll lay down newspaper and go ahead and get that done, I think.  Then I’ve got a foam camping mat to cannibalize to make it the Daisymobile.  We’re ready to get back to family walks.  She’ll walk as far as she’s able, then we’ll put her in the wagon and keep going.  Eventually she’ll be able to go further as she gets stronger.
  4. This afternoon we’re going to the movies.  I’m not sure yet whether it’ll be Snow White and the Huntsman or Prometheus.  We want to see both, and Snow White has been out a little longer, so we might go ahead and do that this weekend, and do Prometheus another.    
  5. And I’m off to make waffles and initiate my new kitchen to Sunday breakfast.

4 thoughts on “Sunday Summary

  1. Yay on the writing! I don’t know that I’m procrastinating so much as having interruptions and trouble focusing. I need a little of that Woo-Hoo feeling myself. Have a great week, Kait! Congrats.

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