Round 4 #ROW80 Goals and A New Release!

Was busy busy busy yesterday and didn’t get around to my usual Sunday Summary post.  The only really important thing worth noting is that for the month of September, I broke my record for most words written in a month, ever.  The prior record was from February of this year (20,688 words).  September ended at 22063, with an average of 959 words written on 23 writing days.  I am UBER happy about this.

So, today marks the beginning of ROUND 4 of ROW80, the last round of the year (and the end of the second year of the challenge, which tickles me pink).  Here are my goals:

  1. Write at least 20 days out of 30.  This is a new goal I instituted sometime last round I think, and it has worked out REALLY well for me.  I have, over years past, always tried to write EVERY SINGLE DAY and it’s just…not realistic.  But 20 out of 30 is 2/3rds of the month and I can get a lot accomplished during that time.  And the 10 days give me enough wiggle room that if crap comes up, it’s no big deal.
  2. I hesitate to say this, lest I jinx it, but this round I am determined to finish DOTH.  I have somewhere from 30-35k to go.  I’ve really gotten over a mental hump in the last week or so and I feel like I am picking up momentum toward the end.
  3. I have also, for the last couple of weeks, been working on a secondary project, a Mirus novella.  This is something I’ve long wanted to try but have never had any luck actually pulling off.  So far it’s going well.  So for this round, I’d like to keep nibbling away at it, shooting for 2 scenes a week.  If I can maintain this, I should have it finished by the end of December, which would be awesome.

That’s it.  Those are my goals.  I’m not setting a minimum word count per day.  In my brain that’s still about 500 but I’ll always try to push that bar and get more.

And now for the fun news for everyone else!  I have a new release today!  I am included in the fabulous YA anthology Magical Mayhem, along with Linda Wisdom, Marni Bates, Eldritch Black, H. Scott Beazley, Rhonda Helms, Mark London Williams, and many others!  My story, Whisper of Shadow, combines both of my fictional loves.  It’s a YA Mirus story about the younger sister of an ex-Shadow Walker (whom y’all haven’t met) who runs afoul of some of her big brother’s enemies.  I’ve got a big soft spot for Emily, enough that we might see her again somewhere down the line.

Currently Magical Mayhem is available at Amazon, Smashwords, it will be showing up at Kobo, iBooks, and other e-tailers in the near future.  There’s also a print edition that will be hitting virtual shelves soon.

7 thoughts on “Round 4 #ROW80 Goals and A New Release!

  1. Ok, I might be stealing your writing goal. You’re right about writing every day not being realistic. Juggling a full time 50+ hour job makes that really difficult. I like your adaptation.

    And congratulations on the new release! The cover of the book is beautiful! Do you know a lot of the other writers included?

  2. Nice goals for the round, Kait! They sound focused and totally doable. Congrats on the anthology! I’m actually really excited to see it. I’ve only read Blindsight so far, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and am eager to see more of the Mirus world. Have a fantastic round!!

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