Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Round 4 Goals

  1. I did not get as much written this weekend as I intended.  But I had a really good reason.
  2. It was Football Armageddon in Mississippi yesterday.  Mississippi State destroyed Texas A and M and Ole Miss beat out number 1 ranked Alabama.  For the first time in history, both of my teams are not only in the top ten, they are tied for number three.  So proud of my boys!
  3. I spent an hour engaged in the highly important activity of napping in my hammock this afternoon.  It was glorious.
  4. I wrote 9773 words this week, and I’ve got half a scene left in the third act.  And then I’m on the very last stretch.  Hubs is going out of town on Friday until Monday, so other than work, I’m holing up and not talking to a soul while I marathon through as much as humanly possible.
  5. I also got bitten by another plot bunny.  A really really RABID, incredibly commercial plot bunny that would sell like hotcakes.  So once TGMTY is out the door, I may NaNo that over November and December.

SO, let’s talk about GOALS for this round.

  1. Write 25 out of 30 days.  This is up from my usual 20 of 30, but I have a lot I want to get done.
  2. Finish and release To Get Me To You.  Its official release date is December 8th and is now available for preorder.
  3. Finish plotting whatever my next project is.  That requires I make up my mind about which project that is, as there are at least 3 contenders.
  4. Write and release Once Upon A Setup.  This is the next Meet Cute Romance and is another Wishful crossover.  This one ties in with Be Careful, It’s My Heart.  It’s already plotted out, so it’s just waiting for the time.

9 thoughts on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Round 4 Goals

  1. Bitten by plot bunnies, each writer get one of those or couple. I roughly stated my goals. I think it may soon be revised or not.
    WriMoing from November to December sound ambitious indeed. Best of luck.

  2. I have plot tribbles….they get into my head, eat my thoughts, and multiply…and I can’t even tell where their little rabid mouths are!

    I love the focus and energy in your posts, Kait. And what a lovely stretch of time a weekend can be! May you indulge yourself and your story, wholly!

    I’m definitely NaNoing – and I’ve even got a good chunk of the plotting underway. =D

  3. I got one of those bunnies a while ago, and it was so rabid it pretty much downloaded itself into my brain more or less in its entirety. Now it won’t let go of me. Killer Rabbits?! RUNAWAY!!

  4. Wow, want to send one of those rabid plot rabbits my way? Well, maybe hold off on releasing it until November. I’ve got a lot on my plate until then. 🙂 Best of luck on your goals!

  5. I’m glad your teams won. I wasn’t happy that Tennessee let Florida beat them. 🙁

    That sounds like an exciting weekend, holing up and writing. Isn’t being an author great? You get to make up stuff! 🙂

  6. Kait, great goals! And that’s wonderful how your weekend games worked out for you! Congratulations on your teams both winning. 🙂

    I’m working on my plotting for NaNo, using some things I’ve learned recently, including But Then/And So, among others. I’m pretty happy that, so far, I’m able to link almost every scene with But Then/And So, so they feel more like a story and less like a list of things that happen, as they used to.

    9773 words in a busy week is fantastic! Way to go!

  7. Great goals Kait! 🙂
    I have just signed up for my first RoW80. Been subscribing to the RoW80 blog foe the last round but now fully jumped in – head first, bunny tail (re your rabid plot bunnies) up – and signed up.
    Looking forward to this.
    Oh…and I LOVE the tag line: the writing challenge that knows you have a life. 😀
    Just brilliant!
    – Kim (waves to the other RoWers)

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