#ROW80 Round 1 Goals 2015

I already talked about my annual goals and some of what you can expect from me in 2015, but this is where I look specifically at what I want to accomplish this quarter.

  1. Write at least 20 out of 30 days.  This is an oldie but goodie.
  2. Average 1350 words per writing day.  In order to meet my ambitious project goals for the year, I need to up my wordcount.
  3. Develop at least 6 new recipes for Pots and Plots.  I took a hiatus from food blogging a couple of years ago when life was just really overwhelming.  And then last year I was coping with the denial and anger phases of finding out I have a dairy allergy.  Now that I’m past that part, I’d like to begin moving forward with recipe development again.
  4. Finish and release my current WIP, a Wishful novella called She’s Got A Way.  I’m about a third of the way into this one now and anticipate finishing the first draft in February.
  5. Finalize the plotting for the next WIP.  I’ve done some solid work on this already, but I need to finish it up.
  6. Bonus goal: Write another Meet Cute Romance.  I’ve got this one half plotted already and a cover already done (I like to play with covers to relax).

That should do me for this Round.  I may actually get more than this done, but this is the core.

9 thoughts on “#ROW80 Round 1 Goals 2015

  1. I’m looking forward to your return to food blogging. I have dairy issues, too, but haven’t really adjusted, so I plan to stalk your recipes with abandon.

    I admire your stepping up the word count every Round, and you keep nailing it, too, as well as the 20 days out of 30. I start off strong and veer into the gutterball zone nearly every time. I must experiment more to find what works. . .

    One of my goals is to write more reviews. I read To Get Me To You during a particularly disgusting chest cold last month, and owe you a review. I look forward to the next Wishful novella and the Meet Cute, too. (ah, another review I owe you!)

    1. You had one of those colds too? Man, I had one kick my patootie right before Christmas! And THANK you for reading! I find it handy to keep track of how many words I “spend” on plotting, as well as prose. Because it’s still very much a productive pursuit, so it counts!

  2. Oh, yeah–one of those, with bells on, right in the smack middle of the month. *shudders* I hadn’t thought of keeping track of what I write while plotting–ooh, bonanza (well, in baby turtle steps terms).

    And not to sound too fangirly, I have all your books (ding, ding, ding, as the reviews owed you mount up!) and I think just have Riven still to be read.

  3. Oh, I know all about holidays, theatre (for me) and busy times and much needed down time. Can’t wait to hear more about your plans! 🙂

  4. Good luck! I’m attempting 500 words per day, with hopes of completing my WIP by June 30, 2015. Your goals are way more ambitious than mine, as usual! BUT — We can do this!

  5. Kait, you’ve got some very specific, measurable goals there. That’s great! I like the ‘write 20 of 30 days’ – it gives you a little leeway if you pick up the sniffles or what-not, and your average word count shouldn’t be too much of a stretch. I’m sure you’ll accomplish what you’ve set yourself to achieve. 🙂 Best of luck, especially with your WIPs!

    1. I learned a couple years ago that the whole “write everyday!” kind of goal was the kiss of death. I often write MORE than 20 out of 30 days, but the 20 gives me a benchmark I can easily meet.

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