Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update

  1. OMG I’m so sore.  Hubby and I planted trees this weekend.  There’s no amount of exercise on a regular basis that can prepare you for digging holes.  You just don’t use the same muscles.  We put in an autumn blaze maple, a silver maple, a pin oak, and a flowering cherry.  And while we were at it, I discovered that a few plants I’d taken to be weird bushes are actually trees that have just never been pruned.  Like.  Ever.  So I took the loppers after those, trimmed them back to the main trunk and got rid of all the low branch growth.  They look funky still, but next spring hopefully they’ll begin growing UP as intended.  One is another pin oak, and the other two are…well, no idea, but we’re all about trees.  Lowes has a 1 year guarantee on their plants, so if I manage to kill any of them, I just have to dig it up and take it back for a refund.  Conveniently, it’s supposed to rain tomorrow.
  2. I had one of my BFFs in town all weekend, which was awesome, but did not lead to any writing.  Still, earlier in the week wasn’t bad.  Monday: 504, Tuesday: 649, Wednesday: 1297, Thursday: 1314.  I’m pleased with that.  I was struggling with a scene, and some extensive brainstorming with Susan helped me sort out that I was trying to treat my Act 3 as an Act 2 and my brain was rebelling.  Had to do some overhauling of my outline for that act, change the goal, and make some minor revisions to the scenes I’d already written for that act (not too bad).  Now we’re moving forward and it makes MUCH more sense.
  3. I spent much of last week fighting to get Overdrive audiobooks on my iPhone.  It’s doable, but doesn’t work as easily as the instructions would lead you to believe.  I’ve been using my Audible account since my Zune died (conveniently, the Zune did not recognize library expiration dates, so if it took me 6 weeks to finish a book, it was no big deal), but now they’ve added a 21 day check out period for audiobooks, so I’m giving that a try.  Still, it’s an epic pain in the BUTT because it’s not just plug, load, and go.  I have hopes that eventually they’ll get it worked out correctly.
  4. I feel like there should be more news, but I’m too tired to think what it is.
  5. Oh, I painted my kitchen.  Sort of.  I’ve been saying all along that if I could get the paint in there color matched, I’d just touch up everywhere I had spackled nail holes and live with the yellow for a while (it’s a sunshiny kind of color).  So this week I pulled the stove out from the wall, used an xacto knife and cut a chunk out of the drywall (just the paper part), and took it in and got it color matched.  Of course it isn’t perfect (never is), but it’s a LOT better than the spackle that was driving me nuts.  I’ll end up getting it professionally painted at some point when I can afford it.  I really don’t have any business being on top of a 10 foot ladder painting 12 foot walls.  I did it in the library before we moved in, but I wasn’t having to paint AROUND anything then.  So that project is done for a while.
  6. Maybe next weekend I’ll finally get the closet doors I painted actually INSTALLED…

7 thoughts on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update

  1. I can only imagine your pain. Trees use weird muscles (as does horseback riding) – I mean who runs around digging holes? I can’t wait to see a picture of your trees with their blaze of Fall colors. 🙂

    1. Snort. You’ve never been to Mississippi in fall have you? We tend not to get so much blaze. More going from Green to reddish and yellowish (if we’re lucky) to immediately brown.

  2. trees are good – when I had this abode built back 12 years ago I decided I needed a wild life woodland edge – had wild native trees to plant into builders rubble! moved tons of compost and manure and planted and couldn’t move for days – now I look out at a beautiful hedge and forget the pain:)

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