- I kept meaning to post today, really I did, and now it’s totally time for bed.
- We’ve been watching Jack Reacher. Which I have actually really enjoyed. It’s been more like Ethan Hunt as Jack Reacher rather than actually Jack Reacher, but it’s not as big a travesty as I was afraid of. I’ve been mostly able to overlook that Tom Cruise is short because he’s delivered some really choice fight scenes.
- I finally got actual words this morning for the first time in several days. Not a lot of them, but words, and I’m unstuck for the next couple of scenes. I’ve been on a kick of rereading old favorites lately, and I am about to set myself up on a kick of some of the things that always inspire me for Mirus to get me motivated to go through this last stretch.
- The weather was gorgeous this weekend. It was nice and cool. As it’s probably the last cool weather we’re going to get, I took advantage and weeded the flower beds and finally put out pine straw. I prefer shredded mulch but this is cheaper and lighter. And when I laid down last night every single muscle in my body hurt. Ow…
- Now that I’m fully well again, I’m starting the week tomorrow with a fridge full of healthy food. It’s hard core back on the calorie counting wagon. And exercise. Not that I’ve been off exercise except for this week since I was sick.
- I’ve been on this kick lately where I started a record of the books I read, noting how far I get, what isn’t working, what I wanted that wasn’t delivered, and what DID work for me. I have actually found this particularly helpful in winnowing down the kind of book I want to write. Not only for the bunny I intend to dive into next but just in general.
- Crappity. I need to get my butt to bed…
One thought on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update”
I really wasn’t sure if I wanted to see Jack Reacher or not. I just can’t see Tom Cruise playing that part. But if it didn’t bother you too much, I’ll probably be okay with it.
I hope the weather holds out for me this week. You wouldn’t believe how tall and thick my grass got while hubby was in the hospital. It was too wet to mow Saturday, so I’m going to try to mow a little at a time this week in the evenings because I think we’re going to get a deluge this weekend. THEN I’m going to try to get around to weeding around my rose bushes. My yard looks AWFUL right now.
I need to get back on the healthy habits, too, especially the eating. Um…after I finish up the homemade mac n cheese I have at home. LOL