This little brainchild resulted (as many do) from an off the cuff remark I made to Susan the other day. Things were looking iffy at work about funding for a project during the next fiscal year (which ended up working out), and I was brainstorming additional ways of generating some income. I have already created a class to teach people how to format e-books, but there are a lot of people who just don’t want to do it. I can certainly format them for people for a price. And I had mentioned to Susan exactly how often people ask me who my editor is because they want to hire her. So we decided to join forces (along with the mad proof-reading skills of fellow indie author Lauralynn Elliott) to create The Forge.
Our business is to help you get past some of the barriers between finishing a draft and publishing or submitting a book. We do this by supplying services you can’t, don’t have time to, or simply don’t wish to tackle on your own. We are not a package deal, but independent contractors covering content editing, proofreading, and e-book formatting at prices that indies can afford (because Lord knows, we know as authors that budgets are often tight).
So hop on over to The Forge and check out our services. Please spread the word to any and all who might be interested.
4 thoughts on “Introducing The Forge: Affordable Book Finishing”
I’m so excited to be a part of this!
Holy wow, I think my brain just exploded a little. Between The Forge and 99 Designs, I think the production aspects of my future self-pubbed works will be in good hands! 🙂
Very cool idea, and I love the logo. It’s very fitting for the minds behind the project, methinks.
What a great idea!