Til Death: 1070
Daily Goal: Met
Yeah and almost all of those 1070 words sucked. Maybe I won’t think so with tomorrow’s distance, but I’m not holding my breath. Life has been insane the last two weeks, and I’ve wound up not getting any rest. There’s a new 4 legged member of the household who doesn’t sleep more than 2-4 hours at a time (7 week old Husky). And my mind hasn’t been on Til Death at all today. Even though I knew what scene needed to be written, I wasn’t feeling it, so every word was like tooth extraction sans Novocain. But at least I got my words in and I can change them later. For now, it’s time to go walk all 3 dogs (the plan is to wear puppy out enough to sleep with a walk around the block right before bed…at 7 weeks this should work). And hopefully I will get at least 4 hours of sleep.