So Riven is out to CPs again. My one normal reader beta finished already and gave two thumbs up. So that was a nice boost.
I’m making some good progress on Be Careful, It’s My Heart. Haven’t quite gotten back to the near 1k a day I was averaging on the Riven revision, but immersing myself in the characters, thinking my way through the situations. And actually, maybe, sorta, kinda thinking about SUBTEXT. Possibly.
I tell you what, I am actually really excited to be writing something contemporary, SET in Mississippi so that I don’t have to dial down or edit out all my southernisms. There’s all this stuff I say, like, all the time, that I just kind of don’t think about. And if I do think about it, I assume it’s broad and generalized South. Except I have a lot of friends from all over the South who are like HEH? Which leads me to realize that it’s very Deep South (there totally IS a difference), and I am, in fact, WAY more southern than I realized. Which is funny because to people here, I’m not. A lot of that is probably because I don’t have a laconic drawl. I talk FAST. Mom thought it was a phase. That was 20 years ago. So my very real southern accent gets lost in the speed unless I’m really tired. I’m also WAY more direct than most southern women. Anyway, this novella and the book I plan to write afterward, will be a real chance to let MY voice out in a different way than I have before. Should be interesting.
I discovered Fitocracy yesterday. I’m not tracking food at the moment, but I DO still want to track my workouts. I’d seen a few updates fly by in my Twitter stream from others who use it, and I thought I’d check it out. It gives you points for workouts, kind of like the Karma of Todoist, and I dig that. So I signed up. And hey, it integrates with Runkeeper, which is handy. Of course it’s prompting me to want to try to get back to the mini workouts I used to do all the time. I hauled my 5 pound dumbbells to work with me this morning (with what I’m lifting at home, I sure as heck won’t be using anything THAT light, like, EVER). I’ve got this little 15 minute arm workout from Women’s Health I’ve been wanting to try, so I figured maybe I could do that a couple or three times a week. And I still want to figure out where I can fit yoga back in… Never enough hours in the day.
Fall semester started this week. I’m still scrambling to get the last of my class materials finished and uploaded. I know what I WANT to do for the Eyewitness Memory assignment, but I’m not sure I CAN do it virtually with the platform I have.
This morning I finally gave in. Susan has been raving about Dragon Age Origin for, like, years now (it’s one of her all time favorite games). It was on sale for PC for $5.99. So I bought it. Who the heck knows when I will get around to playing it, but she said you CAN save it at any point except in the middle of a cut scene, so if I’m playing in 10-15 minute bursts, I’ll beat it sometime…like next year or something. HA. I confess, I used to LOVE World of Warcraft. I found beating stuff up very therapeutic. Need to get Diablo 3 reloaded on this new laptop too. It’ll be good for me to play. I kept talking about that and still don’t really DO it. Plus it’ll inspire sword-wielding adventures! Whee!
5 thoughts on “Midweek #ROW80 Update”
Now I have Bing Crosby singing “Be Careful, It’s My Heart” to Marjorie Reynolds running through my head.
As one of those “Damn Yankees” that move in and stay, I’ve noticed that there is no generic Southern accent.
Nope, there definitely isn’t a generic southern accent. There are LOTS of regional variations. I was speaking more of turns of phrase and experiences that I have always thought of as generally a part of southern life.
My southern drawl is VERY noticeable. I’ve found that the people I talk to all over the country, which is what I do in my day job, love it. Who knew? LOL
I’m excited about reading a contemporary romance written by you. I love genre-crossing authors, since my reading is so eclectic. 🙂
Love the title for your contemp. Good luck with it, and I love books set in the south. I’ve gone on vacations in Savannah and Nashville, but the closest thing to the south we have around here is Northern Kentucky.
I also love the “Be Careful, It’s My Heart” title. Isn’t it awesome when you can use all those random things you say all the time? I’m finding that with one of my WIPs which is set in modern-day Australia. I mean, no one in it is talking like Steve Irwin or anything, but I can throw in a “Mate” here and there and it’s not actually weird.