Strange Search Terms

Okay, so this is totally non-writing related, but one of the nifty features of the WordPress dashboard is a block that shows the search terms that people used to find my blog.  Pot and I have this ritual of reporting the odd ones to each other for a laugh.  Last night I got the mack daddy of all strange ones thus far, and I just had to share.

“I put my head up her skirt.”

Anybody have any idea a) what anybody would be searching for for real with those words, b) how in the heck they found their way HERE, c) why there were not one but TWO clicks from those search words?

But hey, I love new readers, so I’ll take ’em however they happen to land on my metaphorical doorstep.  But I’m still shaking my head in bewilderment.

2 thoughts on “Strange Search Terms

  1. I get quite a few weird ones, too. The ones that weird me out (in a good way) are those when people google my characters’ names. Could be just one of those random things, but when several are entered in the same week, I figure I must be doing _something_ right. (g)

    My favorite of thise week: faking a siamese twin.


    Who knows. And not sure how I feel about MY blog coming up under that. LOL.

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