Because I am existing under the looming axe of a deadline, I’m going to direct you all toward a handful of instructive posts that came out recently on some of my regular reads that I thought were worth sharing.
Over at Poe’s Deadly Daughters, Sharon Wildwind talks about how to help readers latch on to characters.
Joe Nassise at Storytellers Unplugged gives a fantastic way to do a very brief sketch of your characters that will help you understand their past, present, and future.
Harry over at Men With Pens offers up another good look at creating characters.
This morning I Stumbled upon this useful list of commonly overused words.
J.A. Konrath of A Newbie’s Guide to Publishing offers up an instructive list of ways not to start a story.
Over on the Crime Fiction Dossier, someone posted a list of the 6 Biggest Mistakes Even Best-Selling Authors Make as put forth by Joseph Finder at ThrillerFest.
I hope to crawl out from under my deadline in one piece sometime next week. In the meantime, enjoy!