In tour news, I was interviewed by the very entertaining vampire Shawn Laurent, fellow lover of tiramisu. It can also be found here.
I have hit 80 copies sold. If there’s a sudden huge upswing I MIIIIIIGHT make 100 by the end of May. It depends on what happens this weekend, as weekends are my biggest sale times. Still hanging out at 15 reviews, though one is hanging in limbo, and I know of two others forthcoming. C’mon, I know there are 3 others out there who want to help me get to twenty! Get your FREE review copy today and be entered to win a $10 Amazon gift card.
In terms of things I am loving…
- Nalini Singh‘s Archangel’s Kiss. Please, dear God, woman, GIVE US A DATE FOR THE SEQUEL. I am so in love with this series.
- Maggie Stiefvater’s…everything. Just finished Lament and Ballad came in the mail yesterday.
- My dear friend Sarah Rees Brennan‘s The Demon’s Covenant, which also came in the mail yesterday. It’s so EXCITING to see the name of someone I actually know IRL as opposed to just on line on the cover of a book I can hold in my hands.
- Homemade hummus and pita chips. This has become my defacto snack of choice. Healthy, delicious.
- We Rule. Yes, my husband has me addicted to yet ANOTHER iphone game.
- That Leverage, Burn Notice, and Royal Pains are about to come back on.
- The fact that I am finished writing posts and interviews for my blog tour. My brain is happy to be thinking about fiction again.
- And what I am really really loving is that today I just had a major breakthrough in the metaplot for my Mirus series. A detail that’s salient to my current plot that’s going to inform a lot of the later books–including the book that involves Conall and Marley (which really isn’t going to resemble HiS, but I can live with that).
2 thoughts on “Things I Am Loving”
Hehe, you’re welcome. *winks*
80, that’s awesome! Congrats!
80 books! Congratulations Kait!