- So. Much. Food. Hubby has ended up having three birthday dinners this week. Three rounds of red velvet cheesecake shooters (which were amazeballs). Nachos for one meal. Mexican last night. My ranch pork chops and veggies for his ACTUAL birthday. And I made sour cream blueberry muffins this morning, which were also fabulous. I’m looking forward to lean protein and veggies this week.
- I feel like I’ve turned super boring the last few weeks. Not a lot to talk about other than the endless revision and work. Which is terribly redundant. I’ve been too tired to have much in the way of deep or interesting thoughts.
- I had a pretty good month word-count wise for July: 26388. I wrote 27 days out of the month, which made me REALLY happy. I usually shoot for 20. I had 11 days of plotting this month, mostly on the next book. Some was plotting on Riven revisions. I’m sitting pretty at 126,587 for the year. Which sounds a lot more impressive than it is. I think by the time Riven is done, I’ll have rewritten all but 5 scenes.
- I haven’t gotten started on The Anatomy of Story, so I think I’m just going to 86 that one from this Round as one of my goals. I haven’t had as much time to read this go round period. I’ve been doing a lot with audiobooks, but very little actual reading. I did start Sanctuary Island by Lily Everett yesterday, and made it about half way through while being a stick in the mud and abstaining from a family water gun fight yesterday. And I’m re-listening to La Nora’s Key trilogy. I don’t know why I’ve been on such a Nora reread kick this year, but sometimes it just happens that way. I also picked up a copy of When You Are The Only Cop in Town, a reference book about small town law enforcement from Gryphon Books for Writers. Lots of story ideas there.
- I’ve got 13 lectures to finish editing for the new class. Next week I plan to do a lot of course set up for the fall while my current semesters’ students are going through finals. It’ll be good to get all that off my plate.
- I’ve largely been doing a crappy job on unplugging. Not so great on the meditation either. But it is what it is.
- My house is unexpectedly empty, so I’m off to take advantage and get some words in.
One thought on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update”
Notching up over 25,000 words in one month is a significant achievement and could account for that ‘blah’ feeling just now. Or maybe you’d rather blame that cheesecake? Or it could be with the turn into August, that school year is leaping closer and closer. Maybe a ay of unplugging would help? A make-it-different day? May the week go well for you.