December 17, 2015December 16, 2015Musings Will Star Wars: The Force Awakens Meet the Fans Demands? Guest Post by Elizabeth Eckhart Just ONE MORE DAY (or a few more hours for you lucky ducks who live somewhere that’s doing a midnight release) until […]
September 10, 2015September 8, 2015Musings Female Protagonists Dominate Dystopian Fiction by Elizabeth Eckhart Elizabeth Eckhart is BACK, this time with a thought provoking discussion about female sheroes in dystopian fiction. I confess, this is the […]
August 7, 2015Musings Guest Post: Dark Places: Another Hit for Flynn or a Flop? Elizabeth Eckhart is rescuing me from my own bad blogging habits lately (blame the book, y’all…it’s always about the book–the one I’m […]