Forgive me Muse, for I have slacked…

It has been three days since my last pages written.

<slaps hand> Bad author, bad.

The excuses: Mother’s day weekend, being out of town, expected to be social with Mom, and Monday being busy cleaning the entire house in preparation for company, which stayed until late last night.

I know, I know…excuses excuses. But now that the housekeeping is caught up, all I’ve got going on is laundry, so I can focus on this until 6:30.

It bothers me that I have had 3 whole days of no writing. Things were going so well. I was writing every day, even if it wasn’t great, it was progress. I’m terrified that the Muse will decide to go on vacation entirely. A poet friend of mine has a saying: “Poetry is a bitchy mistress.” Which is very telling and can also be applied to fiction, though in our case it’s a Muse I think, and for women there is no good word for the male counterpart to mistress. Lover? Dunno. I’ve never been able to come up with a good alternative. But you get the idea.

So here we go!  Today’s progress report:

Totem: 502 words

Daily goal: Met

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