HOC: 616
Daily Goal: Met
I am caught up to the end of the manuscript before I made all the changes…back to the stuff that occurs following the arrival of the second trophy. The earlier version went a little further timewise, but all of it needed to be changed, so everything had to go at that point. I cut quite a bit, but I think it will be a good thing in the long run. Anyway I have laid out what I want to do tomorrow.
And I finally got to start Harry Potter! Woo! I’m assiduously avoiding any internet sources which might spoil the ending for me. I think it’s going to take me most of the week to get it read since I’m making myself write first to earn the privilege and because of work, etc. I tell you it’s taking a great deal of personal restraint to not drop everything (unrelated to earning an actual paycheck) to finish it! I do find myself rushing through errands and public places to avoid seeing anyone I know (it’s a small town, that’s hard) so that I can get home and do what I need to do. I went to the library to pick up a book they had for me through interlibrary loan and raced through to avoid seeing one of my best friends who loves to talk. I adore her, but I just didn’t have time… God that sounds awful.
One thought on “Daily Progress Report”
“I went to the library to pick up a book they had for me through interlibrary loan and raced through to avoid seeing one of my best friends who loves to talk. I adore her, but I just didn’t have time… God that sounds awful.”
🙂 Well it does and it doesn’t – I’m sure we’ve all had the same experience (and felt equally ratlike for it!)