Let The Holidays Begin

I’ve been MIA the last few days.  I can’t say I’ve been a lazy bum, as I’ve actually been quite busy doing assorted home improvement projects, the latest of which was repainting the wrought iron railing and columns on the front of the house.  Progress is being made!  The last projects of this year are framing out the bathroom mirror and flooring more of the attic, which can’t be done until we have all the Christmas stuff out of the way.  That will be next weekend, as Hubby has declared that there will be no Christmas movies until the house is decorated.

After two lousy weeks of fiction production, I set myself a goal to just write SOMETHING, anything this week.  I started back on the scene I was stalled out on and got 277 words Tuesday night, but didn’t do much during the Thanksgiving holiday courtesy of guests and the fact that my mom hijacked my computer during her visit.  But I sat down this evening and churned out 946 words.  I’m not quite done with the problem scene, but I hope to knock it out tomorrow.  And of course, the next round of Novel PI is coming up December 1st, so I”m hoping to be prepared for the last 15,000 words.

The other thing I’ve been busy with the last few days is my latest addiction to my new Wii Fit Plus.  I had gotten the Wii Fit for my birthday, but I never used it much as the navigation took too long and there’s not all that much room in my living room for the yoga and strength training I liked.  But I decided to pick up Wii Fit Plus and I am ADDICTED!  It allows you to set your own routines and has a favorites list, plus it has a lot more games.  I’m frigging addicted to the boxing game, and I’ve already worked my way up to expert.  Two 10 minute rounds burns 100 calories.  That works for me in conjunction with the other stuff I’m already doing.  I probably should’ve waited until after Christmas, but I’m hoping it will keep me from putting on the Christmas pudge.

Exams are upon us and in another week and a half, I’ll have final grades turned in, and for 3 weeks, I will have a single job to worry about while I put my Theories of Personality class together.  For THAT I am thankful.

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