
When I started seriously writing at the ripe old age of 14, I was writing paranormal.  L. J. Smith was the Stephanie Meyer of the day and there simply was not the volume of awesome YA out back then, so I decided I’d write more of what I wanted to read.  I stuck in the paranormal vein through college until I discovered and fell in love with forensic psychology.  That sparked a lengthy stint in romantic suspense and an obsession with forensics and police procedure (and an irritating insistance on “getting it right” that bogged me down and prevented my finishing much).  Then in 2008 I got sucked in by J. R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series and my love of paranormal was reignited.

I adore these incredibly herocentric books, so when I set out to write Hunted in Shadow, that’s what I wanted to do.  It was supposed to be a change from the heroine-centric romantic suspense I’d written.  I wanted it to be Conall’s story.  And yet, in the end, it was Marley’s story.  With Forsaken By Shadow, Gage came first as a character.  He arrived full blown, alive, and clear in my mind.  I thought it was his story.  But it was really Embry’s.  With Revelation, I know on the front end that it’s Finn’s story rather than Ransom’s.

So, okay, I admit it.  I gravitate toward telling the heroine’s story.   I like kick ass women.  Or women who learn to kick ass.  I love to show the different kinds of strength that are innate to women and women alone.  Might as well play up my strengths, right?

One thought on “Heroine-centric

  1. I’m having similar problems with my current WIP. I’m rewriting it with all characters back in high school. “Send” was always Daniel’s story – about his battle to overcome guilt after a classmate committed suicide because of Dan’s bullying.

    In senior year, Dan meets Julie, who lost her brother to suicide. He was also a bully’s victim. Julie, bless her heart, keeps trying to take over this book. I must continually remind her the theme is man against himself as Dan battles a guilt so huge, it’s practically a character in its own right. Still, she keeps insisting on telling the story from her side. I thought about conceding but I really like hero-centric stories, particularly hero-centric romances.

    Thanks for a great post.

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