I took today off work with the intention of running some errands, catching up on some things that didn’t get accomplished due to all the stuff that went on this weekend, and making sure all our funeral attire was ready for tomorrow. And I had every intention of writing. You know, that thing I haven’t done since last Friday? It’s not like I’m really beating myself up over it. I think with a wedding, a birth, and a death, all in one weekend, it’s totally reasonable to be busy and tapped out. But still, I’m ready to get back to the grindstone. Or thought I was.
I started the day by sleeping in (always lovely), then had intentions of mowing the yard. Except sometime in the middle of my morning tea, I realized I had neglected to charge our mower (we have an electric one on which I have waxed poetic before…none of that awful crank and die thing…just pull a lever and go). So I plugged that in to charge so I could mow this afternoon and went ahead and did the weedeating and edging (none of this has been done in a month). Then it was on to errands: the post office, groceries, and picking up a pair of basic black pumps for the funeral. That’s where things kind of got derailed.
In my mind, plain, basic black pumps are something that is so standard to a woman’s wardrobe that they should never go out of style or be hard to find. They are the black slacks and little black dress of the shoe world. I hit up the Shoe Department. No pumps. I hit up J.C. Penney. No pumps. Payless? Pumps, but not in my size. Peebles? No pumps. Even tried Walmart (without much hope). NO PUMPS. DUDE! Really? There was not a single pair of size 8 plain black, low-heeled pumps in this entire freaking town? I mean, I realize that I don’t live in a shopping metropolis but this isn’t complicated or strange. The only black shoes I could find were 3 and 4 inch stiletto heels that would make me break an ankle. God I miss chunky heels! Thankfully my mom found my 12 year old black pumps–the ones she bought me as a freshman in college–in my closet at her house. So we’re picking those up when we stop by to get her for the funeral.
Once I got home from the Epic Shoe Hunt Fail, I wound up putting away groceries, packaging bulk items into smaller packages, doing dishes, putting away laundry, picking up the house, steaming hubby’s new suit, blowing off the porch and driveway, cleaning the grill, setting up my fall decorations to go with my new pumpkin, reading a couple of new magazines, and staring briefly at a blank screen before heading out to feed the in-laws’ dogs (as they went up to Memphis today). When I got home from that, I actually OPENED THE SCENE. And then I promptly went and mowed the yard.
I think I must be running away from my WIP.
In lieu of my having anything particularly interesting to say, you should go check out Pot’s series on going from Unknown to Under 1k Ranking on Kindle in 8 Weeks. It starts here.
9 thoughts on “Running From My WIP?”
Thanks for the plug.
The shoe thing is so freakin’ wrong.
I think you need to cut yourself some slack you have a lot to process right now.
On the bright side, my compulsive procrastination is ALWAYS productive. Look at all the OTHER crap I got done! 😀
Shucks, Kait, I don’t know – you got a pretty hilarious post out of it 🙂 How *do* they get away with not having plain black shoes around?
And, oh yea, your garden must look pretty tidy!
My garden actually looks like a scraggly, weedy mess as I gave up on it a month or two ago (though I found one lone pepper when I went by with the mower). But the rest of the yard looks pretty good.
At least you procrastinate productively. 🙂
I am a bit shocked even JCP didn’t have simple black pumps.
I have run away from my WIP so many times….
I resemble this blog post, well in some ways at least. Procrastination is my middle name lately, but I do manage to get things done. I just don’t always do it when I plan to or even during a particularly day, week or month. It’s been a while since I’ve read your blog and I’m sorry. I’m just now trying to get back into a schedule of regular reading and keeping up with the blogs I follow. So there’s one thing I did today.
Know where I finally found black pumps this fall (after a search very similar to your own)? Kmart. Yes, Kmart. I have ranted over and over about the lack of classic shoe and clothing styles around here…”classic” really should be code for “easy to find anywhere”.
So yeah, I feel your pain.
Now to go check out Susan’s post…sounds like something I need. 🙂