- Today is Super Bowl Sunday. I have no idea who’s playing and don’t care. The whole POINT of today, in my mind, is to hang out with friends, watch funny commercials, and eat lots of yummy food. In that spirit, I’ve just finished my workout to help counterbalance some of said yummy food. If I make it through the weekend without actually gaining any weight, I’ll be ecstatic.
- We have pretty well confirmed hubby’s gluten intolerance, so yesterday I did the big pantry clean out of anything with gluten in it that I wouldn’t eat on my own. I’ve got a REALLY BIG BOX of stuff that I’m passing on to folks so it won’t go to waste and my cabinets look very different as I’ve changed out to all the gluten free stuff. My first effort at homemade gluten free bread turned out well. It was supposed to be buns–like hamburger buns–but came out more like biscuits. Not what I was going for, but still tasty. My natural tendency toward planning and organizing is going to be a godsend as we dive into this new lifestyle.
- On the ROW80 front, I finished the first draft of the short story for the anthology and sent it off to a couple of betas. I still have to write the opening scene and having already heard back from Pot (aka The Pink Hammer), I’ve got a better handle on what needs to be done at the end, so I’ll dive into those when I have some tea here in a bit. In terms of actual word count, it’s gone W: 782, T: 1567, F: 0, S: edits. I’m happy with that. I’m hoping to truly knock out this story and have it ready to go out the door this week as I get back into Red.
- This week I wiped out Archangel’s Consort by Nalini Singh. That woman is such a threat to my productivity. And of course, now I’m neck deep in Julia Kagawa’s The Iron Queen. I’ve totally not been sticking to my resolution of reading one print book for every e-book. I plead desperation. I’ve been waiting on these books for ages!
- For anybody who missed it, I have started a series here on the blog about promo for authors. Technically I’m thinking of it in terms of indie authors, as that’s the perspective I’m writing from, but much of it could be done by traditional authors as well. Yesterday I talked about The Blog Tour. In Part 2, live tomorrow, I’ll be talking about the Power of the Free.
- Yesterday I started to set up the structure for my series bible. I have a feeling it’s something I’ll be slowly working on over a long period of time. Lots of details to put in from the existing work. I wound up making a new file in Write Way Pro and using the Act structure to divide things into big categories like Characters, Book/Stories, Mythology/Lore, etc..
- In the realm of interesting posts I’ve read this week, my favorite was Kristen Lamb’s comparison of Self Publishing With American Idol. Obviously, because I made approximately a zillion comments on it. It’s a good and hilarious read, well worth it.
10 thoughts on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Check-In”
You had a great week! Awesome. Congrats on getting the anth. story done.
Have fun at your Super Bowl part today.
Y’know, being gluten free would be so much easier if I had a wife to make GF food for me. Your hubby is lucky and well-fed. 🙂
Oh he totally is. And he knows it. 😀
Great progress and best wishes for this week!
I’m sorry to hear your husband is gluten intolerant. My daughter was diagnosed 2 years ago. It can be trying, but you will discover that quite a lot of foods are actually gluten free and almost any recipe can be adapted for him.
And I agree, Super Bowl Sunday is definitely for funny commercials, friends and yummy food.
Sounds like a good week on the ROW80 front 🙂
And I agree that Nalini Singh is very distracting, as it Kerrelyn Sparks. I’ve read 5 books of hers this last week. Writing went a bit out of the window >.<
I really enjoyed the short story. Looking forward to seeing what you’re doing with the beginning and ending.
don’t understand superbowl but suspect its like the world cup – anyway good week – your blog on promo very interesting have been pondering a blog tour but have hesitated getting toes wet – and do like having a name for my notes a series bible even- thanks for that
Yay, congrats on finishing the short, dear Kait! 😀
What a busy and productive week you’ve had! It sounds like you got some things accomplished.
Now I’m off to watch the Superbowl commercials. LOL
Sounds like a great week, Kait. Sometimes I don’t know how we find time to write what with everything else going on in our lives. You’re truly a SuperWoman!!