So it’s our first official check-in and like many, I don’t have a WHOOOOLE lot to report. Monday was ROUGH. One of those mentally bleh days that make me not even want to OPEN my WIP because I hadn’t had a spare moment to think about it. But open it I did, and courtesy of the fabulous folks at WriteChat who did some writing sprints with me, I managed 907 despite the suck. So I ended on a really good note that day.
Yesterday my brain was very occupied by reading through the zero draft of one of my CP’s latest WIPs. It is amazing. I didn’t want to stop to write my own words AT ALL, but I eeked out 526. I was completely happy with that given that I really wanted to go wallow in HER world instead.
I’m up to my Pinch Point 2, and while it has changed several times from what I originally thought it was going to’s going to be awesome. The fact that I’m excited about it means I’m more likely to actually stop reading long enough to write it.
The focus this week has so far been totally on DOTH. Which is fine, since that’s my primary WIP at the moment. I still have a fairly major detail to decide on before I can move forward with my next scene in Riven, and need to block out the action of that scene. I don’t know that that’s going to happen this week, at least not until I’m finished reading this zero draft and KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. But that’s okay. I’ll catch up.
On the Operation G.I.T. front, I ran this morning for the first time in two weeks. I missed the end of two weeks ago due to rain, then last week because of my back. It felt good to be back out there. I did 3.2 miles in 37:45, which works out to about a 12 and a half minute mile (counting my warm up and cool down). Evidently 12:30 is the cut off in Sparkpeople for being counted as “running or jogging”, so that totally psyched me this morning to still be at that level despite the two week break.
That’s it for me! Hope everyone’s having a great start to Round 4!
3 thoughts on “Mid-week #ROW80 Check-in”
I guess it’s too much to hope that the book you’re reading is by a CP that I know. LOL
I never get to do writing sprints with people because they are always when I’m at work. 🙁 But I bet it’s very motivating. I’m glad you got some words in. I still can’t believe you’re writing on two projects at the same time. I tried that, but i still haven’t really been able to do it.
That’s good that you’re back to running. Maybe nothing else will happen to interfere with that. And you’re still doing a twelve and a half minute mile, so your hiatus didn’t really set you back. 🙂
well done on the running and best of luck with the writing – I have just been wandering around your site – can’t believe I haven’t before or maybe I knew I didn’t have the time – you have so much of interest to read that now it is time to stop and make dinner:)
Not too shabby for the kick-off, Kait! Looking good from here. 🙂 It’s a great feeling when you’re loving a book so much you don’t want to put it down.