I cannot express to you how incredibly HYPER I am right now. I don’t actually usually get bitten by the NaNo bug, but DAMN have I got the fever this year. The fact that it coincided with the END of Act 3–yes, that’s right THE END of the Dreaded Valley of the Shadow of the Middle–did not hurt. I clocked over 2500 words yesterday and ended Act 3 at 91087 words. It is smooth sailing from here on through the end of Act 4 (yes, 4 Act structure. Please see Larry Brooks’ Story Engineering, which explains how that works…basically you split the middle into 2 parts–I find that makes much more sense). The SPP was EPIC–EPIC I tell you! One of those scenes that I had a one line summary of that turned into something so much cooler than I originally envisioned.
Also epic is the music of Two Steps from Hell and E.S. Posthumus, whom fellow music lover and fabulous CP Claire introduced me to yesterday. I admit it. I was totally behind closed doors in my office conducting with big flailing motions (and quite glad that my window opens onto the driveway to the loading dock so nobody was there to see me). They create a totally appropriately epic Pandora station for the epic sprint to the end.
How many times can I use epic in this post?
Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic…
Okay, yeah, that’s as far as I got before the word stopped looking right…
Also epic, next Tuesday, November 6th, marks the release of the much anticipated Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor. Somehow must find time to read that between word spewing because, OH MY GOD, I want to know how she fixes it. Although Claire, who managed to get an ARC and read it (I’m trying not to hate her for that–helps that she’s so darn cute), says she mucks it up even more, so apparently there’s a third book coming and I fully expect that there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Claire, being not a romance junkie, is not nearly as invested in the impossible relationship as I am.
Okaaaaaaay…probably someone should hide ANYTHING with sugar from me today…and for the foreseeable future…
2 thoughts on “And The Word of the Day is…EPIC”
This post made me giggle. I was picturing you bouncing off the walls. I remember that NaNo energy from my two NaNo wins. I just don’t have it in me to do it anymore.
The sequel to Daughter of Smoke and Bone is almost out? Squeeeee! And yes, there is supposed to be a third book. She calls it a trilogy. I’m a little scared to read it, though, if she mucks it up even more. But that just makes us anticipate the third book. 🙂
This was definitely a Tigger attack. Boing Boing Boing! lol
Also I’m getting Brooks’ book. If it sucks, I will find a way to take it out of your gunslinging hide. You have been warned. 😛