So here we are at the start of a new Round in a new year. I’m back at the Evil Day Job today after a glorious long holiday break (the only time I ever really have any down time from my life), and it’s got me evaluating how I’d like to approach the next 80 days. There is a part of me that would like to hit the ground running and declare some monumental goal, like that I’ll maintain the kind of word production that I did over said glorious break. But no. The Project From Hell is winding up this month and January is all about getting back into routine.
So on a broad scale, I would like to:
- Finish my Christmas plot bunny novella (I lack about 15k).
- Finish revisions to Daughter of the Hunt. These will be significant and will take some time, but if I focus on them exclusively (once I get this last critique back), I hope to be able to knock them out by the end of the Round.
- Make progress on Riven. I’m not saying how much progress just because I have no idea how long DOTH revisions will take and that needs to be a priority. I lack about 35k to finishing it.
- Finalize the outline for the first book in this contemporary romance series I’d like to start. I doubt I’d get any writing done on it before next round, but if I can get the nuts and bolts planned out, I’ll be in good shape for when I DO begin it.
- Begin prep for the Psychology and the Law class I’m teaching in the fall. This will be a brand new class for me, so I still need to order my textbook and start writing lectures and creating test banks and such. I’ll update the schedule on what I want to accomplish with that when I have the book in my hot little hands.
- Write the formatting ebooks class I’ve been promising to teach through WANA International. This one has largely just been waiting on my finishing something to take through the process, so I hope to dive into that come February. I don’t think it will take me that long to actually DO–maybe a couple of weekends of Camtasia recordings. Mostly I just need to take the time to make certain that everything I’ve always done will still WORK (as such things change quickly and it’s been a year and a half since I did it last).
On a more specific note I plan to:
- Write 20 days out of every 30.
- Write a minimum of 600 words on my writing days. I often write more than this, but this is generally my comfy minimum, so I’ll stick with it for now.
3 thoughts on “Goals for Round 1 of A Round of Words In 80 Days 2013”
So many goals. But I know you’ll tackle them in your usual efficient way. Especially since you’re done freaking out. LOL
I like your specific plans. Good luck this round!
I’ll be watching for your WANA course. Best wishes for a great round!