You know how you get to that place sometimes where you just feel like you’re treading water? Where there’s SO MUCH GOING ON and you’re getting stuff done but not any faster than more stuff gets piled on? Yep. Been there.
Yesterday I finally managed to carve out time to do some epic catch up on grading. One class hadn’t been touched in a month. The other…apparently I hadn’t done any grading at all other than the auto calculated stuff. Now is the point in the semester where people are flipping out about their grades and wanting to know whether they can actually pull off this or that grade in my class by the end of the semester, and answering that question necessitates being caught up. So after a huge push, I actually AM (thank you, Lord) and that’s one huge thing off my list.
Only 384,000 to go.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the better the book is going, the more of a pig sty the house becomes. So anybody coming to my house right now should know that the book is going REALLY WELL! But damn, I really need to find the time to dig out because it’s gross and starting to make me twitch. I ought to take it room by room. Get back to my habit of finishing something every time I get up. And I really need to get my seeds started for my garden!
We’re doing data collection all week in preparation for yet another grant.
Dreams of Gods and Monsters is out today, too, which means I can finally go back and read Days of Blood and Starlight. I knew Laini Taylor was going to break my heart even further in book 2, so I’ve been holding off on reading it until I could blow on through to the conclusion. MUST. FIND. TIME.
There are Meet Cutes to write. And sleeping to do. And…
Did I say I was treading water? Maybe I’m going down for the second time…
3 thoughts on “Stuff and Things”
Keep going, you’ll get through it all eventually 😀 Good luck with it, sometimes everything can get so overwhelming.
I completely understand. Things get so piled up here at work that my desk looks like I ought to be on an episode of hoarders. Then I’m too tired to write when I get home. Luckily, March is our busiest month, so I’ve been through the worst of it now and am playing catch up.
I’m lucky my husband isn’t working, not financially, but as far as the house cleaning goes. He’s been keeping the house pretty much “company ready” since he’s stir crazy and has to do SOMETHING.
Don’t forget the post you wrote about being kind to yourself! Try the FlyLady method of working in small increments of time on your house. You won’t wear yourself out, yet you’ll accomplish your tasks little by little. I know you’re probably the type of person who, once started, has to get it ALL done. I have a friend that told me that’s why she won’t do FlyLady. But really, I’ve found it’s less stressful to work in small increments. Good luck with ALL THE THINGS. Hopefully, now that the grades are done, things will settle down a bit. We need those Meet Cutes! 🙂
Good luck with the book, and the cleaning. I hate to clean, but I need to before Passover, which starts on Monday. I have so much other stuff going on, though, and I’m just trying to take it a step at a time.