- Last night I officially checked an item off my bucket list–saw Garth Brooks live in concert. He was fantastic. Which, you know, no shock, because GARTH BROOKS. We ended the night with a trip to Krispy Cream, which was a pretty nice end to things.
- Today I tested for my blue belt in taekwondo. It’s the first belt test I’ve had in fifteen years. Passed with no trouble. Broke my board on the first try. And now I’m exceptionally tired. I may just have to sleep in my current chair. I made the grievous error of sitting down and stopping. Not sure what it’ll take to get me actually moving again. 4 belts to go. But I’ll enjoy this one for a while.
- I’ve been plugging away on first pass revisions to Know Me Well. I’ve got 2 new scenes to write this week, another scene to rewrite, and then a few small tweaks to make to things after the new scenes are added. Then it’s off to my editor.
- My next project is the plotting for an anthology novella. It’s another Wishful story, this one following Reed Campbell (Cam’s youngest cousin) and Cecily Dixon (Norah’s intern). That one has legitimate word count restrictions, so I am determined not to become a member of the Overwriter’s Anonymous club.
2 thoughts on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Progress Report”
I’m glad you finally got to see Garth Brooks! 🙂
Congrats on the blue belt! I’ve always been too chicken to take any form of martial arts.
Congrats Blue Belt!!! 🙂
Glad to hear of all the good stuff happening in your world…!