They’re married! Sniff. I love weddings. You so rarely see them in modern romance (at least the ones I’ve been reading), and normally it’s epilogue kind of stuff. It pretty well never fits into my plot, but this time it did and I’m psyched. I just finished writing it out and my hero and heroine are finally married. All that’s left is the final confrontation, the intro to the hero’s daughter, and the profile (which will be the last thing I write). Those are not in order by the way, just what I have left. I popped over to tell Pot about it and her response was “Mazel tov!” I feel like I should celebrate. And I think I’m craving wedding cake…I don’t even like wedding cake. I am contemplating whether I want to pop over and write out the intro to Hannah scene really quickly before jumping into the great dark of the Final Confrontation. I know the kid better now than I did when I needed to write the scene. I’ve got a bit more free time this afternoon, so I may see if I can zip that out.