Flash Point: 2069
Daily Goal: Met
Yeah, so today more than made up for last night’s crappy productivity. I wound up churning out 507 words before I even walked out the door for work this morning (would that every morning were that great), another 500 or so throughout the day at work, and after I finished painting the name plaques for our nephew, I got in another 1,000. Yippee! My characters are waking up and coming alive now. Today I got Holt’s response to a conscious Stella, got her to the hospital, and gave a bit of background on Holt (what he does, where he’s from). We also got to meet Stella’s best friend Roxie who is freaking out. On deck for tomorrow, Holt goes to the hospital to see Stella, but she’s asleep (she’s not really asleep, she’s playin’ possum, but he doesn’t know that).