Untitled: 1081
Daily Goal: Met
Today Pot and I came up with the backstory for my hero and why he’s IN the Witness Protection Program. I also did some brainstorming about some actual–you know–events for the story rather than just a he felt blah and she felt such and such. I have absolutely no notion how long this will be. Sticking (as of yesterday) to the same schedule I was using for Til Death, I’ll have 60k by the end of the Sweat. But this particular piece…I don’t know if it will be a novella or a category length. I definitely don’t feel like there’s enough there for a full length. We’ll see. Right now, for once, I have a fairly simple, straightforward plot. We’ll see if I manage to stick to it for once. It’s a challenge for me because I am the Queen of Complications. Pot did mention that the longer I make it the more events I have to come up with. Giggle. Maybe they’ll start coming easier once I get a little further into the story.