I feel like I say I’m doing that a lot. Getting back in the groove. Whether it’s writing or exercise or healthy eating…I always seem to fall off the wagon. I suppose it’s a good thing, at least, that I’m constantly getting back on. I don’t let any of those metaphorical horses beat me.
I set a weekly goal of 2500 words this week after 2 weeks of only 1k (between massive migraine 2 weeks ago and annual conference for Evil Day Job last week). I got a lousy 30 words yesterday, which is hardly an inspiring beginning to such a goal. I blame this largely on yesterday being the first day of Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet in our house. I spent all day daydreaming about brownies and toast. By bedtime I would almost have sold my own mother for a loaf of French bread. It made it kind of hard to think about HiS, even though the scene I need to work on is planned out and my scene questionnaire is finished.
It’s raining here today. Not heavy, just a steady soaker that’s going to make my garden happy and my dogs restless. Callie keeps pacing from one toy to the other, chewing for a couple of minutes, then moving again and flopping down with utter apathy. I wish I could stay home and take advantage of the quiet. But DH is home today (as he’s working this weekend), so there wouldn’t be any quiet once he wakes up anyway. Sadly, Evil Day Job must take precedence. Yesterday was catch up and also time to start on my list of changes to my fall classes, which start in a few weeks. I got my abnormal psych syllabus and course calendar updated. Today I’d like to get the lecture note sheets made and uploaded. Which is interesting to absolutely no one but me.
It’s been a big challenge dragging my brain back to HiS. It’s not that it’s a bad story or that I’m bored with it. I love the characters and I think it’s going to have an awesome Act 3. But I’ve got a bad bad case of Sexy Next (Old) Book since I made my MBI contact over the weekend. It’s a struggle not to go work on that one. Instead, I’ve been slowly adding a scene or two each day to the yWriter file I started on that project (which has been desperately in need of a decent title since the revision began in 2007). And just staring at the blank screen on the scenes for HiS.
I know I just need to write. Something. Anything. It doesn’t have to be good or fleshed out. Fittingly, I just saw this tweet show up under #writechat: “The worst thing you write is better than the best thing you didn’t write.”~Sol Saks.
Okay, okay, message received. Going to finish my tea and see about doing a micro-sprint first thing.