Stuff and Things and Sales

I have returned, unscathed, from an expedition to Walmart on this, the day before Thanksgiving.

And they all rejoiced.

Seriously, it really wasn’t as bad as I was expecting.  I think because the university doesn’t shut down until noon, and I got there before that. We won’t tell my boss that I didn’t spend the last of my sick day actually in bed or as a couch jockey.  Shhh.  I am feeling better today, despite hacking all night, so hopefully I am on the mend.  I’m about half through all the meds the doc gave me on Monday.  Methylprednesone (sp) tastes like ash.  Just sayin’.

It’s prep day here at Casa Nolan.  I’m about to start the cornbread for the dressing and continue the cleaning.  I am shocked at how much of that there is to do.  WE JUST CLEANED on Saturday.  I’m using the momentum of OMG PEOPLE ARE COMING to get some things accomplished that have been lingering for a while.  Like rehanging the guitars and pictures since we re-organized hubby’s office.  Like 2 months ago.  Cleaning out MY office (aka the guest room).  And the floors.  If someone could invent self-cleaning floors, they would make a killing.  Seriously.

I conclude by the incredibly high volume of traffic and comments yesterday that a lot of writers out there have parent issues.  That’s comforting.  Thanks for sharing all your stories.  I still have no idea what I’m going to say, but we’ll play it by ear.

I realized yesterday that once I finish Devil’s Eye, I’m going to have to STILL wait on Red because the anthology I’ve been invited to contribute to has a February release date.  Sigh.  So that will be my project over Christmas break I suppose, leaving Red as my ROW80 project.  And that’s fine.  It’ll be great to start the new year with a book that I am hella excited about.

So Black Friday sales have come EARLY.  From now until Christmas, I’m dropping Forsaken By Shadow to 99 cents.  I doubt it’ll matriculate to the extended distributors I’m in through Smashwords, but at Amazon and Barnes and Noble and Smashwords itself, it will be 99 cents through Christmas Day!

I suppose that is the end of my random updateyness.  I am off to scrounge up lunch and get back to work.

2 thoughts on “Stuff and Things and Sales

  1. My Thanksgiving has gotten all changed around because of an impromptu meal at my dad’s…we have NEVER had Thanksgiving there. But he’s looking forward to it, so I just changed my schedule around.

    I was all excited about making that wonderful corn casserole recipe that you posted, and then I found out my half-sister is going to make corn casserole. Grrrr. We both planned it because we thought no one else would do it. LOL

    I hope everything works out with “coming out of the closet”. I think a lot of people are anxious to know how that goes.

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