Happy Making Things and #ROW80 Check In

First the happy making.

Yesterday on Twitter this was posted:


then this:


then this:


EEEP!  This is both exciting and kind of terrifying because OMG that’s SARAH WENDELL and somebody recommended me to her!  (Thanks Naomi!)  And as far as I can tell, I am the only one on the list who is (at this time anyway) entirely self-pubbed.  And she now has a copy of Red.  :head between knees while I hyperventillate:

And as if that wasn’t enough excitement for the day, I got THIS fantastic review of Red on Goodreads that totally MADE MY week:

Are you a fan of Nightshade? a member of Team Jacob? Like a gusty female MC whose story will leave your heart pounding from fear and excitement? Then please, please put this book NOT ONLY on your TBR listing but NEXT on it!!! I came across a sample chapter of this book attached to a Susan Bischoff (talent series) book and was immediately intrigued; so much so that I bought the full story and read RED that very day and twice since!

I loved so many things about this book: 1) NO love triangle. The tension within this story comes from other plot devises. I’ve read AND loved a great many books that have the who-do-i-choose premise but RED was fast-paced, full of danger/romance and refreshing. 2) Elodie, our female MC, has more depth than I’ve seen in a while. She’s smart, tough, tender and her story alone moves the plot forward. 3) Sawyer – ok, he has all the delicious qualities expected from a yummy, ya MC!! But, his conflicts with his life, his mom, his dad and his need to be around Elodie all feel real NOT forced to fill a story. 4) POV shifts – the book is told through both Elodie & Sawyer’s eyes.

Kait – if you read this review – please write more YA. Your craftsmenship filled a void in my reading world that I didn’t know was there until I read this book.

Thank you, Becca!

Even if I hadn’t already had lots of plans for more YA, this would have made me want to write more.

ANYWAY, as for the ROW80 update I can say Sunday: 42 words, Monday: 530, Tuesday: 539.  I also had the rather obvious epiphany that I was trying to start Devil’s Snare in the wrong place.  So yesterday I also made some notes on what I might do with that.  So moving right along.

16 thoughts on “Happy Making Things and #ROW80 Check In

  1. Woot woot – congratulations Kait – what a fantastic week and a fabulous review (to which I agree whole heartedly!!) And great progress on the ROW80 goals…keep it up! :-))

  2. Congratulations Kait! Everything is so well deserved. And I would just like to add a hearty thank you for being an inspiration to me as an aspiring writer. Had I not found your blog and the ROW80 challenge, I would still be stuck in a rut and frustrated with where I was in my WIP(s). You and all the rest of the ROW80 participants (and others I’ve met along the way) are the best support group ever! So thanks and good luck this week!

  3. That’s a wonderful compliment, Kait! Congrats! And it’s reminding me to update my Goodreads. I read faster than I can keep up on my account. I think I just added another impossible ROW 80 goal. Ack!

  4. Any time. You are actually the first name that comes to mind when people ask me about self-published authors. I think it’s because I’ve been lurking on your blogs since you were on Blogger back in the day. 🙂

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