Midweek #ROW80 Check-In and #DaisyWatch

So…I have written a whopping 228 words.  This was last night before I got interrupted by some stuff that distracted me the rest of the evening.  I’ve had a lot going on with Daisy and also some other stuff that’s just taken a lot of phone calls and time to deal with.  We’re getting into a routine with the pooches again, so the writing WILL COME…it just may take me the rest of the week to sort my brain out.  I have managed to work out several mini workout sessions so that I’m getting in 45-60 minutes of exercise a day this week, so that’s been good.

Daisy had her first day of PT yesterday.  It was a big day.  Underwater treadmill, sling, ESM, massage, more passive range of motion exercises…   She moved both her good side legs in the sling and took a step with her front bad leg.  And she was walking properly with her front paws in the underwater treadmill (the physical therapist was moving her back legs).  She’s still pretty weak but this was marvelous progress.  Her neurologist did another exam on her, and more of her reflexes have come back.  Everybody’s delighted with her progress and they see no reason why she shouldn’t walk again.  They said the last dog they had with this condition, who was worse off than Daisy, took about 3 months.  So that’s our benchmark I guess.  Either way, we’re very excited.

8 thoughts on “Midweek #ROW80 Check-In and #DaisyWatch

  1. The “groove” is coming back now that everyone is adapting and so glad the outlook is staying positive and Daisy is doing well. She has a good incentive, her Pet parents are treating her like the sweetheart deserves and that makes a big difference in keeping her motivated to get well!
    Happy for you all and sounds like life is busy but back on track for you as much as it can be right now Kait.

  2. Hi Kait!

    Poor Daisy… it sounds like she’s really pushing forward though. We could all learn something from her! Glad you are both doing well.

    Good luck for the rest of the week on your goals!

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