Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update

  1. My house is so EMPTY and QUIET.   Hubs is over at his dad’s today, tearing apart our ancient lawn mower to see if it can be fixed.  We’ve been trying to limp along and make it through this season–which being Mississippi, is another two or three months.  Fingers crossed.
  2. I had a pretty good week writing wise.  I did have 3 non writing days between working on the guest room, having company, and recovering from company (company was awesome–we stayed up until almost 4 Saturday morning though, so I was kind of mentally worthless yesterday), but on the writing days I ended up with a total of over 3k for the week, so I’m quite content with that.
  3. The grand surprise for the week was a new plot bunny following a character from one of my previously published works.  As I said the other day, not sharing who or what, but I’ve plotted out the entire book, character arcs and all.  That was unexpected and looks like it will probably be the project I pick up after I finish DOTH.  I might see what I can get done on this new project outside my normal writing block–during lunch or breakfast, or maybe weekends, once I get my daily wad written for DOTH.  We’ll just have to see.  I’m not willing to cannibalize my writing time on DOTH to work on this, so if it starts to interfere, it’ll just have to wait its turn.
  4. I’ve got 3 pounds of red artisinal sweet onions slowly caramelizing on the stove this afternoon.  They’ve been going for about an hour and a half and my whole house smells of onion.  French onion soup is on the lunch menu this week.  Usually it’s a cold weather food for me, but I’ve had a craving.
  5. I keep thinking I should have more news, but I’ve been staring at this for half an hour and can’t think of a thing, so signing off to go write some words!

3 thoughts on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update

  1. I don’t blame you for not wanting to lose time on DOTH for the new plot bunny. But it will be there with DOTH is finished, so you’ll be working on it soon. I would rather have too many ideas to get to than to run out of ideas. That’s my biggest fear as a writer…running out of ideas.

    You are making me hungry. I LOVE onions, and I love French onion soup. I’ve been meaning to make this recipe I have, but I don’t currently have a pot bigger than a two quart (except my HUGE one). I’m looking for a good 4 quart pot.

    I hope you have another productive writing week!

  2. Man, Kait, I can almost smell those carmelizing onions. I’m with Lauralynn, you’re making me hungry! Up here it’s really crisp in the mornings and evenings, so onion soup sounds perfect.

    Three k for the week is great, given everything else on your plate. I admire your restraint in not following the plot bunny down the rabbit hole. I’m such a magpie, but your corralling it into non-DOTH writing time is a god compromise.

    Finally, best of luck with the lawnmower. North central Florida was a real challenge for our poor lawnmower; I can’t imagine that Mississippi is a huge improvement.

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