I’m posting late today, and given how full my brain is, it’s a wonder I’m remembering to post at all.
- I had big writing plans for the weekend. They totally didn’t come to fruition. Between a zillion phone calls yesterday that sucked up THREE HOURS of my writing time and a recalcitrant scene today, I haven’t gotten a whole lot more than my minimum done. I got 4686 words from last Sunday through yesterday, split about even between DOTH and Riven. I FINALLY made it through the blasted Pinch Point 2 scene in DOTH, so I’m slowly inching my way forward. I’ve got 2 chapters (4 scenes) left in Act 3, and I’d like to get at least that done by the end of October (preferably more) so that I’m free and clear to knock out Act 4 during NaNo.
- I’ve done a crazy lot of cooking this weekend. I made chicken stock, batch cooked black beans, made peanut butter granola (which were supposed to be bars, but apparently I am challenged on that because they NEVER hold together), slow roasted some tomatoes, made a Greek bean salad, gluten free potstickers, baked egg rolls (with rice paper wrappers), and cooked up some applesauce from some apples just past their prime. My fridge and freezer are JAM PACKED.
- Hubs and I did a mega clean today. I deep cleaned my kitchen, washing my cabinets with Murphy’s oil soap and moisturizing dry wood with lemon oil, disinfecting EVERYTHING, polishing all the stainless appliances, and generally cleaning up the last of yesterday’s epic cook fest. The house looks a thousand times better.
- My plot bunnies seem to have settled down now that I’ve gotten the initial ideas down. Thank goodness. It was really hard to focus on my current projects with those characters demanding attention! I told them that until they provide me with an actual PLOT to make note of, I’ve done all I’m going to do with them. They’re talking amongst themselves now.
- We’ve got a fall photo shoot this afternoon. There will be babies in pumpkins. Should be super cute. After that it’s soup and cornbread at the in laws’, which should be nice and tasty.
- I’ve been doing some research and flirting with the idea of following Mark Bittman’s example of going vegan until dinner. Basically the idea is you eat vegan breakfast, lunch, and snacks, and then have a more normal dinner. Bittman did it as a means of eating more healthfully, and the idea appealed to me. I’m too much a carnivore to go whole hog, but I cannot see that upping my fruit and veggie intake and cutting back on grains, meat, sugar, fat, and anything processed is a bad thing. It seemed like a good way to start combating the holiday creep. I’ll keep you posted.
6 thoughts on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update”
That’s pretty much how me and the spouse are doing things, too – veggie juice in the morning, fruit smoothie for lunch and then normal sit-down dinner (usually involving roasted chicken and salad). All of your food-talk made me incredibly hungry. LOL
I really have to try harder about carving out writing-time. It seems I’m more apt to do it very late at night, which also ruins any sort of day schedule I need to keep! I have no idea how I’m going to figure that out…
I like the concept Mark Bittman is going for. I don’t think I’d go vegan, but I agree about it being a better composition to the diet overall to be heavy on fruits and veggies all day, focus on good fats like nuts and avocado…but it still gives you that out at dinner.
Nice job on the word count this week. So, are you going to try for two scenes this week and two scenes next week, or just see how it flows?
That sounds like a productive weekend. I cleaned the kitchen too, but not quite as extensively as you. It is strange how a tidied kitchen makes everything seem much cleaner and neater,
I got no writing done this weekend. I only realized that just now… well a few thousand words on blog post but not sure if that counts. Having four kids running around and non-stop rain keeping them indoors is not conducive to big writing gains. lol
The diet sounds interesting. I live off a very tight and limited budget, so couldn’t go vegan, but I cut out all the crappy food and snacks (bar one day a week) and have lost about 20lbs so far.
I couldn’t possibly go vegan, but I could go vegetarian. I like my eggs and cheese too much to say I can’t have any until dinner. But I do need to eat more veggies and beans and stuff. 🙂
I am doing a forced mega-clean, Kait! We are getting new flooring, which is making us pack everything away and then take it back out after the new floors are in. In the process, we’re throwing out stuff we don’t need and cleaning. It will be nice to get the house is great shape. I’m sure you feel good about that!
Best wishes for DOTH and your November plans. It sounds like you’re doing well overall with it.
Kait –
My husband is a chef…me, I would rather putter and play with food – which often coincides with my richest writing times. Something about allowing my creativity to flow into other, more sensory realms…
i love reading your busy food weekend. And you are inspiring me as I prepare for a major revamping of our far-past-cluttered kitchen. There are now three people who cook in this house, rather than two, and four who can prepare simple items and/or serve themselves. The setup we have was designed around having babies and toddlers– only, the big kids here are 8 and 11, now!
The Vegan-till-dinner idea is fascinating, and I may give that a modified try…
It sounds like you are moving along in your writing. I do so love this getting-ready-for NaNo time of year!