I think I’ve already hit the high point of my day. It was 37 degrees when I ran this morning, and I conquered all the hills and ran the entire way. I felt a very strong desire to listen to the Rocky theme while taking my shower. It was actually my short run because I’d eased up last week due to a twingy ankle, but either way I was very proud of myself.
It’s still gloriously cold today. I’m in my fleece jacket and vest (because one must layer in Mississippi, as it will be nearly 60 this afternoon). I’ll take it. There will be beef vegetable soup for dinner.
Last night I finally reached the breaking point in my fight to get Overdrive audiobooks from the library on my iPhone. I THOUGHT they’d managed to fix it with the latest iOS upgrade because I actually was able to get a book on there without a problem. Evidently this was a fluke because now I’m back to having the same problems I was having before. After wasting TWO HOURS messing with it, I hit up Ebay and bought myself another Zune. Yes, old school tech, but damn, I never had a SINGLE PROBLEM with audiobooks on my Zune. I just eventually killed the thing from using it all the time. It should get here by the end of the week. I’m waiting eagerly to start Ally Carter’s Heist Society.
National Novel Writing Month starts on Thursday. I have 3 scenes to write between now and then in order to get finished with Act 3. Not sure if that’s going to happen or not, but I’m going to make a big effort! There’s a strong possibility that my two love interests are going to come to blows today.
Must suck it up and deal with the grading I didn’t get to last week.