Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update

  1. So I think I mentioned to y’all that I was doing some exploration  to see what other foods in my diet are aggravating my inflammatory response other than beef.  I’ve had a watch list and have eliminated a bunch of stuff.  This weekend I was happily able to add bacon to the safe list.  WOO!  Y’all, you just can’t even know how happy that makes me. Because taking away beef AND bacon is just cruel.  So, as far as I’m concerned, there is no higher point to my day today.  
  2. And that includes going to see the new Star Trek with hubby and FIL.  Although I AM much excited by this.  Benedict Cumberbatch has one of the best voices EVER.  I love him in Sherlock, and I’m really excited to see him as a villain.  But, yeah, bacon is that important.
  3. I’ve been all busy busy busy getting stuff DONE this weekend.  Yesterday I made dog food (a new experiment–Daisy’s getting on up there, and I’ll do ANYTHING to keep her as healthy as possible as long as possible), a fresh batch of potato soup, did dishes, 4 loads of laundry, rewired a lamp, did some grocery shopping, and gave Daisy a bath (which should TOTALLY be on Sparkpeople’s list of exercises you can track).
  4. I’ve still got some stuff to do today before the movie too.  In a bit I’ll start the chicken stock in the crock pot (from the chicken I used in the dog food yesterday).  And I’m making a batch of blueberry ricotta muffins from the fresh blueberries I got on special yesterday.  Need to finally list the old laptop for sale.  I got the memory wiped last week, so it’s ready to go once I Windex off all the fingerprints.  And we need to clean the inside of the grill.  I forget what we cooked in the last couple of weeks that made a mess, but something.  Need to clean it off before it gets practically permanently baked on.  Then MOVIE TIME!  Would you believe this qualifies as a relaxed weekend for me?
  5. On a writing front, the high point of the week is that I finished Riven.  First draft came in at just under 55k.  Took 100 days of actual writing, spread out over 241 days (I actually began this bad boy last September as a secondary project while I was writing DOTH, and then set it aside).   It’s off to the Hammer and the Gobsmacker for critique, and I’m working my way through the toolkit for my next project.  Whee!

6 thoughts on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update

  1. Wow, you’ve been busy. I’m dying to see Star Treck. Hope it’s fabulous. You are so good with your home-cooking. I do curries and casseroles and stir fries. I do cook steak and chicken for our dog, too. But thats about it. Bacon – I even know a few staunch vegetarians who waver at the smell of that cooking. 🙂


  2. We had to make a choice between Star Trek and Iron Man 3 yesterday. We chose Iron Man because it had been on longer, so we might have missed it if we waited. I hope you like Star Trek as much as we liked Iron Man!

    I’m trying to cut down on beef intake. And Aspartame. I’m doing better with the Aspartame. LOL

    I’ve thought about making homemade dog food, but I just don’t know if I have the time. I’m already making homemade moisturizer and deodorant and about to make homemade shampoo. But I have an old dog, too, and I wonder if this would be a lot better for him. I could still feed the puppy regular food for awhile.

    I’ll be getting Riven as soon as it’s available! But you know that. 🙂

  3. Sheesh, Kait, you make me tired just reading about your relaxed weekend! I need to get back to cooking all weekend, so that I’m not tempted to eat junk during the week when I get home from the DJ. It’s not an EDJ, but it’s still stupefying.

    I hoep you enjoy Star Trek, and I look forward to your thoughts on it. And, like Lauralynn, I’m getting Riven the instant it’s available. 🙂

  4. Sheesh, Kait, you make me tired just reading about your relaxed weekend! I need to get back to cooking all weekend, so that I’m not tempted to eat junk during the week when I get home from the DJ. It’s not an EDJ, but it’s still stupefying.

    I hope you enjoy Star Trek, and I look forward to your thoughts on it. And, like Lauralynn, I’m getting Riven the instant it’s available. 🙂

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