Holy crap, how is it already lunchtime?
After last week’s epic word count on Be Careful, things have slowed down a bit. I’ve been doing some additional plotting on that and figuring out how to weave in the backstory I created for the hero and some of the other points of secondary conflict. So fewer words so far this week.
Plus it’s been another PUT OUT THE FIRES! week at work that hasn’t left me much room to keep plot details in my brain.
In other news, The Pink Hammer has finished the secondary pass of Riven. I’ve still got some stuff to do to tighten up language and enhance some emotionality in places, and alter a little bit of the action (one sequence may get changed out entirely because we brainstormed something that would be REALLY FLIPPING COOL), but by and large, it passed muster. Thank the lord. I’ll get started on clean up during my Saturday morning coffee shop session.
The last of my lectures have been edited and uploaded, so I’m down to finishing writing 2 assignments. They’re just going slowly, as they aren’t EASY assignments to design within the parameters I’ve got. But NEARLY done with that as well.
And now it’s totally time for lunch, so just short and sweet today.
2 thoughts on “Midweek #ROW80 Check-In”
I’m still sitting here thinking how is it almost SEPTEMBER. Although, lunchtime came quickly today, too. LOL
Isn’t it great to brainstorm with Susan? It was funny, when we were eating lunch Saturday, she was talking to you by text. She can SO multi-task. 🙂
Eat that lunch, Kait. The stories will come eventually–you’ve been through this enough to know it’s true. Enjoy the plotting and planning moments and the Saturday morning coffee session for work on Riven reworking. The “coming soon” sign is up and tempting people already… 😀
Hopefully the work crazy will slow down soon.
Hope this posts… Been having an amazing amount of trouble commenting on people’s blogs (this is my second try here, Kait, so feel free to delete if both show up)…