- Well I finally finished first pass revisions on Be Careful, It’s My Heart. It went out to my first round of beta readers on Thursday.
- I immediately dove into plotting A NEW SHINY. It is not the new shiny I had anticipated working on for NaNo. I was all set to continue in the contemporary universe Be Careful is in, but then I got slapped upside the head with an answer I’ve been searching for for nearly THREE YEARS. So, direction change. But I will say this. SophieMickLizaIslaRansom…..
That is all.
7 thoughts on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update”
Congrats. on the goals. lt looks llke l’ll be wrltlng dlfferent stuff for NaNoWr, too. l’ll be flnlshlng up two short storles, and startlng another that’s a totally new dlrectlon for me.
Gotta love the new shiny! Good luck with NaNo!
I think I will participate the upcoming ROW80. Best of luck with NaNoWriMo
Ooh, Kait, you ARE a tease! I love when those answers come and slap me, and,suddenly – It. All. Makes.Sense!
congratulations on the editing pass, and may that new direction delight you all November long, and well beyond! =D
New ideas for my writing . . . just about the only thing I want to slap me upside the head. 😀
All the best for NaNo. What an amazing adventure . . . one I’ll participate in one of these years.
I’m trying lt this year for the first time…not with a novel, but three short stories that wlll equal 50,000 words …Good luck to you when you decide to try.
All the best. Enjoy, Nancy.