- There was a lot of flailing, wailing, and gnashing of teeth this week. I’m supposed to be working on Wish I Might, the novella I’m contributing to the upcoming Virtually Yours anthology. I’m on deadline, behind thanks to Riley and Liam, and all I could think about was Judd and Autumn (the couple in Something’s Gotta Give, the next novel in the Wishful series). Add to that a plot that wasn’t working for the novella, and I was just about ready to throw in the towel and plot something entirely new. But thanks to the patience and brainstorming of five different people (thank you Susan, Lisa, Jess, Liana, and Voirey), I FINALLY came out with a plot that worked by the end of the week.
- So I am one chapter down on that and about to dive into the next one, as hubby plans to game this evening. The whole thing is 10 chapters (2 scenes apiece) and an epilogue. Short and sweet. I’ve got a countdown going because what I really want to be working on is Autumn and Judd’s book. These days, it seems to take me 6 months or more to get through a full novel. But I have a feeling that as loud as these two are, it might happen quicker. As always, it depends on how clean the first draft comes out. The last time I had characters with voices this clear was Red, the only book I ever got right the first time. We shall see.
- In a perfect world, I’d knock out the first draft of this novella by the end of August (which was my original deadline). But I’ve been made VERY aware this summer that I am NOT living in a perfect world, so I’ll just shoot for as soon as possible.
- We’ve got a houseful of dogs this weekend. My in laws are in Texas for the wedding of a cousin, so we’ve got their two in addition to ours. Huck and Zeva have been doing their best impression of WWE Smackdown off and on since Friday, interspersed with long naps. We’re in a nap period now, and I’m surrounded by canines on all sides. Not a bad place to be, but I’ll be glad when there are fewer paws that need dodging as I walk through my own house.
- I haven’t had any recipes to share lately. Some of that has been because I haven’t been experimenting too much, and some has been because the experiments I have done either were flops or aren’t right yet. This new schedule where hubs is on nights and I need to get him fed and out the door by a little after 6:30 has really thrown me for a loop regarding my cooking. I haven’t had the time yet to really overhaul things so that I have a lot of alternatives other than a handful of go-tos. But I’ll get there.
- And in case you missed it, Know Me Well, the third book in my Wishful Romance series, releases this coming Friday! You can nab it now at the preorder price of $2.99, but it’ll be going up to $4.99 on release day.
2 thoughts on “Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Progress Report”
I love it when I get your name on my list of peeps to visit. Mind you, I could do so anytime, but hey, you know what I mean.
Even if you do feel somewhat stuck, I am thoroughly impressed with your productivity. All the best as you motor along.
Here’s to an awesome upcoming week filled with Riley and Liam action. Although if you focus on Judd and Autumn then Riley Liam might get jealous and decide to start stalking again. Either way hope you’re week’s a productive one. 🙂