Woo, I’m excited by how many people have turned out for October’s NPI! I feel I am in excellent company :D. A few of you have already turned in your word counts for Day 1, which leads me to realize that there are a bunch of Aussies in the bunch and you’re a day ahead of me! So for my own sanity’s sake in keeping track of everybody’s word count, if you could be so kind as to give the date you’re reporting for when you comment or tweet at me, that would help tremendously. If you’re not already following me over there, I’m (big shock) kaitnolan. Don’t forget, if you are reporting via tweet, use #NovelPI as your hashtag so I can find it. And just in case make it an @kaitnolan reply to me. Between the two, hopefully Tweetdeck and my keyword notifier will catch all the updates!
Without further ado, the participants! (And because I still really want an even 20 participants, if you decide later today that you want to sign up, let me know and I’ll add you–just know you do have words to turn in today! Amie Stuart womaned up and gave me 20)
1. Who: Me
Title: Shadows of the Past
In for: 500 words (I really waffled about this. I was going to do 650, which would put me finished with my current novella in mid-November if I kept up that pace. Then I kind of froze at that. I was going to do 350 as an NPI second timer just to take the pressure off. But realistically, my self imposed daily minimum has, for a long time, been 500 words, so I’ll stick with that)
2. Who: Merrilee Faber
Title: Pish Posh
In for: 350 words
3. Who: Janette Dalgliesh
Title: Starstruck
In for: 250 words
4. Who: Francesca Amendolia
Title: Jumping for Joy
In for: 350 words
5. Who: Blackbirdsong
Title: The Call
In for: 250 words
6. Who: Julie K.
Title: Pretty Souls
In for: 350 words
7. Who: LeaAnn S.
Title: The Perfect Ten
In for: 250 words
8. Who: Stace
Title: Angel
In for: 250 words
9. Who: Magda Ess
Title: Painted Blind
In for: 250 words
10. Who: Deniz B.
Title: a book about Rose, no title yet
In for: 250 words
11. Who: Alecia Burke
Title: Happy Medium
In for: 250 words
12. Who: Danniele
Title: Small Town Secrets 2
In for: 250 words
13. Who: Newtowritinggirl
Title: Holiday
In for: 250 words
14. Who: Shawn Hansen
Title: Face Lift
In for: 250 words
15. Who: Naomi
Title: The Long Way Home
In for: 250 words
16. Who: Rene
Title: Cerulean Fire
In for: 250 words
17. Who: Emma D
Title: Whimsy
In for: 250 words
18. Who: Arkansas Cyndi
Title: Texas Two Step
In for: 250 words
19. Who: Keri Ford
Title: The Heir’s Return
In for: 250 words
20. Who: Amie Stuart
Title: Redemption Road
In for: 250 words
9 thoughts on “The Novel Post Initiative October Participant Roster!”
Didn’t want to do it . . . didn’t wanna . . . Today is the 1st? Oh no . . . Lunchtime writing – 708! Okay, so maybe I can pull this off, studying and writing too . . .
See there! Well done!
NPI word count for October 1: 1113.
Totally difficult day (10/1), but managed 256 late tonight. At least I started. 🙂
Bad me! I got my 250 in yesterday. Before midnight. Long before. Just didn’t have access at home due to a storm to post. 🙂
I was completely lax yesterday (1 October) but wrote 500 pages today (2 October)! Woo hoo! Hope I can keep this up…
500 pages huh? 😀 That’s impressive.
As for today… 400! It’s hard to tell, since I’m still drafting in longhand, and I’d roughly estimated each page of my little notebook as c.70 words – but I switched pens yesterday and write smaller with this one, so I ended up with 400 with barely a pause for thought! I’m loving this! Just hope I use all these scenes later…
350 words on 5 October! (Am I the only one posting here? I’m not on Twitter yet…) I also learned something – I write much more linearly when I write nearly every day. Less chunks to link up later on!