Soothing Sunday

After the frigid, rainy ick of the last couple of days, this morning dawned chill and beautifully sunny.  If the dog park wouldn’t be a morass of mud, I’d take the girls for a romp.  But a walk will have to do.  Perhaps two, as I’m not sure I want to wait until my night-working spouse arises from the dead to enjoy the sunshine.  I really feel WELL today, and I’d really like to move, to shake off any lingering sense of illness.  If I get REALLY motivated, I might even put down the landscape fabric and four huge bags of pine straw in the flower beds.

Last night we had a smashing time.  My oldest friend came over for supper, then we all went to see Leap Year (cute), and came back for tea and a rousing Wii Sports tournament.  I really love having bowling tournaments with Wii Sports.  No creepy rental shoes, much cheaper than the bowling alley.  Then I hit the hay very late and dreamed of Marley.  Since tomorrow is the first of February and my self-declared day to start the Next Project, I think that’s my confirmed answer.  Rewriting last year’s book is the next project.  As I find myself with the whole of the day stretched out with nothing absolutely pressing that I have to do, other than writing a check to pay the electric bill and driving to put it in the slot, I think I will start that.  And I want to mix up a batch of dough from Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes A Day, as I finally found vital wheat gluten.  Has anybody else’s Walmart stopped carrying yeast?

In other news, despite the miserable failure of my novella title poll yesterday (no one voted but me), I consulted with a couple of my CPs, and I’ve decided the title is Forsaken By Shadow.  There’s this little snick in my mind at the sound of that one that I didn’t get for any of the other alternatives.  And it breaks my [blank] and [blank] pattern I seemed to be stuck in.

I really want to cook something wonderful today.  No idea what.  But I have the urge to create in my kitchen.  I’m well stocked on ingredients, so I just need some culinary inspiration.  I suppose I’ll dive into my pile of cooking magazines and see what all I’ve flagged, then figure out what I can adapt (since I pretty well always am missing some kind of ingredient).  Perhaps a quiche.

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