In tour news, you can find an interview with my heroine Embry Hollister over at Just Another Day In The Life.
It’s Saturday and I’ve been up since 6:30, which is an obscenely early hour on any day in my world, but particularly so for the weekend. Hubby’s on summer schedule at work, so he’s got 2 12 hour shifts this weekend. Since I’ve been up, I’ve been busy busy busy, taking advantage of the fact that I’m feeling a lot better and catching up on things.
Like reclaiming my azalea bushes from the weeds. With all the rain and my feeling poorly, the weeds were TALLER than the bushes (which aren’t small). I had a full garbage can of them by the time I was done. Then I FINALLY put down the landscape fabric I bought ages ago and went to the Co-Op to get a truckload of mulch (so much cheaper to buy in bulk). So the front two beds are mulched and pretty again (and will hopefully remain relatively weed free in the future). I still have what we refer to as the Ugly Bed to do, but I need to rake out the existing pine straw before I put in the landscape fabric there, and I need more pins for the fabric anyway. So that’s for tomorrow. If I can move. That’s looking questionable.
And of course there’s laundry and household chores.
But most importantly, I’m doing a big push to catch up on my MayNoWriMo goals. I need a little over 5k in the next 10 days. I feel like I’ve done very little writing this month–until I calculated how many words I’ve written for the blog tour–about 26k words. And that DOESN’T count my regular blog here, my posts at Pots and Plots, or any other form of promo I’ve done. It makes me feel like less of a slacker.
2 thoughts on “Super Saturday”
You are NO slacker, girl! In fact, your tweets make me tired, sometimes, ’cause you do so much. I’ll bet your yard’s beautiful. Mine? Not so much.
:picks self up off floor from laughing: No. No, my yard is not what you would call beautiful. My goal is less to win a garden club award and more to avoid looking like the Clampet family. I rather hate gardening. It is one of my goals in life to be able to afford a yard service.