- I’m not sure how many copies I sold in July, but I did pass 1,000 copies sold, so that was really exciting. I’ll update on that around the 15th when Amazon generates the final sales numbers for July. Thanks Lauralynn for pointing out that the monthly totals were there. I sold 406 copies this month.
- The general trend has been a serious slow down in sales, looks like a 22% decrease over the sales in June. There are a lot of reasons for this–EVERYONE seems to have had a dip in sales after and awesome month in June. Summer reading is simply slowing down.
- After all the stress worrying about how upping my price to $1.99 would affect sales, Amazon discounted it back to $1. But, silver lining, since the list price is $1.99, I’m still getting $0.70 of royalties per copy sold, even though it’s selling at $1. I don’t think that holds true if you opt into their 70% royalty rate and are above $2.99, but it’s still pretty cool. For now, it seems like the best of both worlds.
- Today begins Shark Week on Discovery Channel, which means it will be all sharks all the time, as hubby watches it every year. I expect to get a lot of reading done this week.
- I spent the week plotting out what was supposed to be a freebie short story in the Mirus world. It’s going to wind up being more like a short novella at 20k, but it’s still gonna be free. I’m hoping to dive into the writing of that tomorrow.
- I have so many awesome new books to read, I don’t know where to start! This week I got:
- Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus
- Jealousy (Strange Angels 3) by Lili Saint Crow
- The Hourglass Door by Lisa Magnum
- Garden Witch’s Herbal by Ellen Dugan (research for my kitchen witch series)
- Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (also research)
- The Idiot”s Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft (also research)
Oh, and I finally rotated to the front of the hold list for Lover Mine at the library.
10 thoughts on “Sunday Summary”
An idiot’s guide to wicca? I take it you’re not a witch, then? As a former witch I will offer my services to read your manuscript for you when you are done, if you wish.
Nope, I’m not. Lorelei’s story is going to be very tongue in cheek and funny, but I want to make sure to have at least a minimal level of accuracy before I start my own worldbuilding for it. Thanks for the offer!
That come out kind of formal and stuck up, I don’t know why.
I’m a Shark Week Widow too. I just thank the gods my husband isn’t into football.
I can deal with football a whole lot better than I can deal with something like NASCAR. Or wrestling. Or GOLF (how does anybody watch golf?).
Shark Week…at least you don’t have to put up with wrestling every Monday night!
Sounds like you’re doing all right with the sales. Yay!
I’m sitting here in limbo waiting for the domains to be shifted to the new host. So I’ can’t really do anything there. I could use that time for writing but noooooo I’m too thrown off by having to start over and learning a new interface to focus. Shark Week anyone?!
Kait, the Amazon sales numbers for July are on there already, just not the dollar amounts. I just looked.
I’m just hoping for a great Christmas season in sales. It probably will happen AFTER everyone gets their Kindles for Christmas. That’s why we need to get something else out there before then! 🙂
Kait at least what your hubby watches is something that captures his attention completely and leaves your time free to enjoy all your wonderful loot to read! Mine hops and skips channels every few minutes and always has to insist that I “look at this” about every few minutes as well. Makes reading kind of stressful if we are in the same room, but it hurts my eyes too much to read laying in the back bedroom so have to just stop reading my book say no you watch it and then read some more!
Good news on the sales front and the freebie reads too, things are looking up!
jackie ^_^
All of Cunningham’s books are great for reference. I cut my pagan teeth on his stuff.
Seriously. I really want to just skip the real job and immerse myself in research. This stuff is so interesting!