Goals for 2011

So last year’s goals are past, whether they were met or not.  It’s on to a new year and new goals.

  • At the top of the list is to immediately carve off the 7 pounds that Christmas has added to my frame. Ugh.  I’ve been putting off weighing until I debloated from some of the rich food and such, and this is the total to lose AFTER I’m down a little.  NOT HAPPY.  But it’s my own damn fault.  I have been out of the calorie counting routine since Thanksgiving and consciously eating more than I should.  It’s back to the healthy band wagon.  Hi, SparkPeople, thanks for taking me back.
  • Over the course of the year, I plan to clean out the ENTIRE HOUSE. We’ve got way too much crap that we haven’t wanted, needed, or noticed in the four years since we lived in this house.  Since we’ve decided to stay here a bit longer, I want to make space wherever I can.  That means getting RID OF STUFF.
  • I am shooting for 750 words a day as my new daily writing goal. This may get adjusted as the year goes by, but it’s what I’m trying straight out of the gate for ROW80.
  • I plan to finish, polish, and release Red by this summer.
  • I plan to write one other title by the end of the year, though at this point I’m not sure which project will snare my attention, as there are many kicking around in my brain.
  • I plan to read 1 print book for every ebook I read. Seriously, this is a necessary thing to do.  My physical TBR pile is ludicrous and I need to start working through it.
  • I plan to NOT be writing a class over Christmas this year. I’ve done it three years running and I want a BREAK!

I’m sure there’s something else I want to accomplish this year, but these are the goals I feel like I can legitimately attain.  We’ll see how I did in December!

7 thoughts on “Goals for 2011

  1. Let me know how the cleaning the house goes – I’ve got sooo much paper saved that I really need either an intern to organise it all into filing cabinets I don’t have, or someone ruthless to come over and chuck it all out. But I can’t! I need those printouts of Google Books and bits of research and snips of others’ writing and my own drafts and writing from high school and and and…

  2. Cleaning out all my stuff is definitely on my list too. I keep finding random things socked away and wonder what they are and where they came from – which I guess is a sign that it’s time for them to go bye bye. Good luck on your house cleaning, and on your other goals! =)

  3. De-cluttering is on my list of things to get done this year, too. Been in this house 3 years and if I haven’t needed it, dug it out for anything, in that time…well, bye-bye. Good luck with your goals Kait!

  4. Four kids + two work-at-home grown-ups + two dogs + one cat + almost 9 years in the house of less than 2,000 square feet…. Want to compare clutter, anyone? 😛 Ugh.

    I’m largely focused on writing goals, because this is my year to take off big time. I can *feel* it. (Don’t laugh at my optimism/denial. ;-)) But I do need to lose some weight, too. I’m keeping those goals a little more private than the career ones, though. I have enough accountability in my personal life. I don’t need it on the Internet… 😉

  5. Sounds like a good list! Best of luck with it – and thanks again for RoW80! I think that’s a great idea, and as soon as I finalize my measurable goals I’ll be checking it with them.

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