So…I only made my goals post 2 days ago. There isn’t a lot to report on the writing front. I managed 262 words on Monday, nothing yesterday. Been going over some weak spots in the first third with Susan and doing a bit of mulling over the best way to tackle them.
Got to see Daisy yesterday. Turns out my baby is as big a food snob as her mommy. They’d been trying to feed her some canned Science Diet and she totally turned her nose up at it (and who can blame her? It smelled just like mashed up Vienna sausages). I brought her roast chicken and rice and she gobbled it up. First food since dinner on Friday. She was more animated yesterday and was happy to see me and her grandpa (hubs had to work during visiting hours). They’ve got her started on range of motion exercises, which she doesn’t like at all and kept glaring at the vet student putting her through the paces with a glare that said “You are SO FAIL as manservant material.” But she ate a little for him last night too, so that was positive. Today they’re moving her to oral meds, so looks like she’ll be getting off the IV soon, which will make her feel better. She’s probably going to be there through the end of this week at least, but we’re hoping she’ll improve enough to come home next week. All depends on her. The neurologist wants to keep her until she regains bladder control. This afternoon or tomorrow they’re going to take her outside in the helper harness and see how she does with trying to take a few steps. So this is all good. Moving forward.
5 thoughts on “Mid-Week Update and #DaisyWatch”
I’m so glad Daisy is better. I know it’s a big relief to you. I think the writing will gain momentum when Daisy is back home and recovering nicely there. Besides, hashing things over on the first part of the book is still writing related, therefore, progress.
Great news on Daisy’s progress! I’m thrilled for you 🙂
Glad to here the pooch is doing better. They really are part of the family, and dogs are so uncomplaining and good natured, it’s terrible when they are sick!
Daisy sounds like a real trooper, great to hear more good news and here is hoping rehab gets her back to normal!
It’s good to hear Daisy is getting better. Our pets are our kids, so when they get sick, it takes a toll on my hubby and me. Sending her extra cuddles and chin rubs.