June 25, 2015October 8, 2015Musings Dear Daisy The floor looks all wrong. I thought you should know that, being that you’re now in a position to run the Universe […]
February 24, 2013Musings Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update I am happy to report that Daisy galloped up the hill in the back yard this morning! She doesn’t so much gallop […]
February 21, 2013Musings Worrywort I am an unexpected emotional wreck this morning. Was driving the girls over to the in laws’ for doggy day care for […]
April 4, 2012Musings Mid-Week Update and #DaisyWatch So…I only made my goals post 2 days ago. There isn’t a lot to report on the writing front. I managed 262 […]
April 2, 2012Musings #DaisyWatch: Good News! The results from the MRI are back and she had a Fibrocartilaginous Embolism – FCE–so basically a spinal stroke. This was the […]
April 2, 2012Musings #DaisyWatch and #ROW80 Goals It’s hard to think about goals while I’m sitting here with my stomach in knots, waiting to hear the results of Daisy’s […]
March 31, 2012Musings Pray For Daisy My dog Daisy is in the ICU. At this point they are thinking either herniated disc or spinal stroke. MRI on Monday […]